This weight cannot be found and Grading

Oct 20, 2010 08:23


One of the toughest things in college is not the homework. It’s not the projects. It’s not even the tests.

Yes, I am talking about grading. As a teacher’s aide, I end up grading the homework and projects of impressionable young minds. I feel a strong sense of responsibility and duty to these students to give them accurate grades, and sometimes that means using up a lot of time just figuring out how to grade. Sometimes, I have to develop my own rubric. Sometimes, it actually takes judgment. When it comes to clear cut “is it here or isn’t it” questions, I usually don’t have any issues. Sometimes, however, it’s not as clear cut as that.

Sometimes, I have to give my opinion. This is always difficult, as it bring emotion into the equation.

Ah, well, at least I am almost caught up. Two projects, three homework assignments, and two projects to go with grading. Don’t ask about what I still have to do for myself; it’s scary.

Starting weight: 420 lbs.

Morning weigh in: 404 lbs.

Weight loss to date: 16 lbs.

Weight loss until goal: 104 lbs.

34th goals

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