BSG? Hello? Are you there?
This weird show was on last night, and it was the strangest thing, it had all these people who looked like your characters... but then the best one of them inexplicably disappeared, and the ALL the rest of them chose to live separately from their families and friends for no reason whatsoever. And then they flew ALL of your beautiful spaceships into the sun, piloted by one of your best characters, shaved bald, making a stupid face. Oh... and Tori died, because she killed this chick once for some reason that was never explained. Then, I think people forced themselves on some natives, aaaand apparently the moral is I am supposed to be kinda scared of ASIMO?
Weird, right?
Soo... I dunno what happened to you. I assume you're playing a horrible joke on me? This is my third time calling tonight. Please pick up if you're there...