Ziggurat Labs
Arisia 2011
Westin Waterfront Hotel, Boston, MA
January 15, 2011
Call for Research
The Ziggurat Labs crew will again be throwing a Saturday night party at Arisia this year. More information about this will be available in early December. We intend to have some number of "research demos", which may either run one or more times during the evening, or be on-going displays. We're inviting Visiting Scientists who want to present short science-related demos to work with us.
All areas of mad science, or just plain fun science, are open.
Past demos/demo ideas have included:
- LN ice cream
- relative density hands-on drink-layering
- making chocolate gel
Submission Guidelines
If you have ideas, please
let us know what you have in mind. Submissions may take any number of forms; from narrative two-sentence email ... to 10-page LaTeX abstract including all text, references, appendices and figures. Email is strongly preferred over verbal contact, and moderately preferred over LJ comments.
It is expected that some back-and-forth may be required after initial submission before acceptance. In order to leave enough time for logistics, please be in touch no later than Dec 5.
Visiting Scientists should be prepared to provide all/most required materials, and for the active portion of the demo to last 5-15 minutes, but exceptions will be considered.
Review Process
Submissions will be reviewed by Ziggurat Labs staff based on:
- how well they fit with the expected interests of conference attendees (party-goers),
- whether they will be safe for all conference attendees, and easy to see over the heads of the other people watching,
- and their ability to generate laughter and loud exclamations of the phrase "For Science!"
Important Dates
Announcement of Theme:December 1, 2010
Initial Submission Deadline:December 5, 2010
Notification of acceptance: December 26, 2010
Arisia Conference:January, 14-17, 2011
Ziggurat Labs main event:January, 15, 2011
Submit your proposal by email
Cross-posted to
Ariela Zonderman, Creative Director 2011, Ziggurat Labs