Procrastination is the enemy of time.

Oct 23, 2006 14:04

Or so my professor says. He seems to be right.
I miracled an A on my 19th Century Lit class. Surprised and impressed the hell out of me, K, and even the infamous Rosie Specious Glitter. (That's the affectionate nickname given to a favorite Professor by K and I.)
I did okay on my Sociology midterm, this is my second attempt at that class and the professor doesn't change the midterm from semester to semester. Lucky me, I knew the answers well.
My 2D Design midterm is just turning in a portfolio that's due tomorrow. Not a huge deal, just need to finish up a couple things.
I am awaiting judgement on my Black American Lit class. I think I did ok. Not 100% sure as I didn't get all the reading done in either lit class.

Either way, I'm here in the comp. lab trying to type up the journal entries assigned as homework for the Black American Lit class. Of course, I need to finish reading some of it first. Not to mention that I have about maybe 45 minutes to finish. I guess I'll be typing before I do art stuff tonite. *sigh* My own fault.

But why stop to post in the midst of all this. Well, it's all Yahoo!'s fault. I am listening to music on launchcast while doing the work. I find the music helps me move faster through it. Not sure why, but i've always been like this. Then "Show Must Go On" came on. See earlier post. I guess I'm just missing Tom and the camradarie of a fellow English nut. That particular song for me epitomizes that need we all have to just put on an everyday face and go on with our lives no matter what else happens. My putting this here is my way of stopping and remembering and just living, without putting on faces. Because it's important to stop and remember even while we go on. Otherwise, what the hell is the point??
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