Deadlines and dead tired.

Apr 12, 2006 09:43

Well, ok, so I'm not the best at keeping up with this. Considering the state of my life, I forgive myself and hope you'll forgive me too.

My oldest started in a new school. Hopefully things will be better at this one and he won't get into so many fights. Which is why he was removed from the last one. Well, that and I'm sure being suspended twice in one week didn't help. *SIGH* He's not a bad kid really, but he can be such an antagonist, even if he's only at the tender age of 10.

My other son, well, let's just say he's having issues and isn't doing well in school and leave it at that.

My girls? Well they're nearly completely bald. Well, ok, it's grown out some and now is a little longer than a crew cut. Need to find a pair of scissors you never remember having? Call my kids. That was a few weeks ago. Today/last night was Cinnamon Sugar Surprise.
Middle of the night, cinnamon sugar all over the kitchen. And I do mean ALL OVER! You can't just sweep it up either. You sweep and then you scrub.

All of this comes with the fact that I just had a procedure to remove a painful I don't know what from you don't want to know where. Bleh. And I have to go and have some weird lump removed from my foot after this semester, and I have a pounding headache. Is it possible to have the flu for more than a month? Or does anyone know of something you can catch that causes headaches, extreme fatigue, and other flu-like symptoms?

Ok, so this has become a bitch and gripe fest, so I'll go try to find something happy to do.
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