Oct 30, 2009 02:10
I happened to be up and awake, and from time to compose to submit you had deleted your post (which I thought was a nice conversation started, not ranty at all!) and I didn't have your email, so...
Re hacking a game and "Is a hack == game design or not?" (my original reply below):
Huh, actually I agree completely with you. I'm trying to find the place where we disagree?
re Praxis: I made that place to kind of cater to the "ground up, from scratch" model of design. While I want the "rules mods, hacks, etc (*which I still consider actual game design!!!*) to stay on Story-Games proper: That's more Game Support, whereas the stuff for Praxis would be All New Games.
In other words, some average joe's efforts to come up with new lightsaber rules for Star Wars d6 or whatever: I think that's design, too. I'd just rather see it on S-G because it modifies an existing game (and thus will get more eyes, and more views/downloads/tests from Players) than on Praxis because that's the place I'm shuffling all the unfinished "I want to publish this idea from scratch one day" things.
But in the end, I don't really care too much if someone with a "house rules which completely change a game" hack posts in Praxis if they think they'll get feedback for it, I'm just thinking that, as a feedback/response group, they'll probably be better asking the thoughts of other *players* of that game, rather than a bunch of folks that are all doing their own ground-up game design from scratch. Plus I like the idea of play support for existing games over on the side that has more eyes.
Or is your contention on a different idea?
So in the end, my ideas for "what i'd like to see Here vs There" is more to help people find likelier groups of people interested in the conversation, not so much creating a static line between what Is and Isn't Design.
(ps, if you need to rant, totally do so here: I'd really like your feedback on that, especially if we're talking about two different things).