Sep 18, 2007 22:30
I guess I really have 3 days to catch up on in my documentation...
I went to church and the message was amazing. A reflection probably should have been written here directly after I came home, but I crashed, so that didn't happen. Oh, and the pastor's family invited all of the college students to their house for a barbicue. This provided the opportunity for us to meet the pastor and to hear about the church etc. The church is Living Faith Fellowship and it has many programs which include but are not limited to a childcare center, a k-12 school and a Bible College. It's pretty impressive. Oh, and in case you were wondering, my school apparently won the football game. I always find out who won at church...
So, the new assignment in my public speaking class is a themed informative speech. We were put in to groups, but will deliver speeches individually. The group, however is responsible for the broad theme and for coordinating the presentation in a semi-logical way. So who's in my group? Me and four, yes four freshmen guys. October 10th come quickly... At least I don't have to write a speech on Football, South Park, Violent video games or the Simpsons. These were all, at one point during the meeting, possibilities. Fortunately, in the end my group settled on technology and I will be doing the effects of computers on early learning. Go figure. My pizza was good and I have plenty stored for my crazy week.
Ziggie and I got very lost going to the DRC this morning, but it wasn't the fault of either of us. Someone parked their car illegally in front of the entrance we use and so we were all thrown off because we couldn't figure out how to get in the building. I really did think I was just losing it there for a bit though because I knew we had been on track, but Ziggie wasn't finding a door. It was all very sad and a stressful start to my day. Family systems was short and sweet, but I just remembered that I need to E-mail my essay to my professor. I got a B on last week's science test and an A on my lab test today. Yea for that. We played a game involving toilet paper in Bible study (you know? the classic mummy game?). I was not mummified and my main job had to be to keep Ziggie from going after the TP while they were wrapping people. It was just great fun... Why does he enjoy eating paper? I don't get it. I guess that would be severely disturbing if I did understand. I had a harder time getting him to leave the toilet paper alone than I did last week with the marshmallows. Dogs... what do you do? We talked about worship and I got some suggestions of some Christian authors to check out which is jazzy.
That was possibly much more than anyone wanted to know. I will strongly dislike myself in the morning if I don't respect my biological need for sleep fairly soon.
Niente Senza Gioia!