Feb 07, 2003 18:38
Poachers targeting Nugent's preserve
Friday, February 7, 2003
By Larry O'Connor
Staff Writer
Rock star is offering $5,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of those involved.
Ted Nugent is being wronged by the very ilk on whose behalf he vociferously advocates.
People are hunting illegally on his property, which is the "ultimate betrayal," he said.
Poachers have wreaked havoc at the rock 'n' roll legend and acclaimed sportsman's Sunrize Acres private preserve in southwest Jackson County. During the past six weeks, several imported animals and domestic deer raised for controlled hunts have been killed illegally, a police official said. Livestock losses have reached $250,000 in the past year.
Fed up, Nugent is offering a $5,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction of those involved.
"He's mad," said Jim Lawson, Sunrize property manager. "He's really mad."
Nugent characterized the assaults on his enclosed 340-acre preserve as "Americans cannibalizing their fellow Americans, hunters destroying the property of their fellow hunters, and hunters destroying the property of the man who fights for their rights."
Added the guitar legend: "It's abysmal."
During the past year, Russian hogs, rams, sika bucks and at least 18 domestic male white-tailed deer have been killed. Some surviving buffalo on the preserve have been found riddled with .22-caliber bullets, Nugent said.
The 18 white-tailed bucks were raised over five to six years to grow trophy-sized racks.
The poachers are believed to be shooting the animals through a fence and, in some cases, dragging the carcasses underneath the barrier, police said.
"Right now, we're just trying to get the word out," said Concord Police Chief Steven Sinden, who's helping Nugent on his own time. "We don't have any physical evidence.
"Somebody knows something."
Those with information are asked to phone the anonymous TIP line at 787-0212.
Because the acts involved animals on private property, the incidents technically would be considered malicious destruction of property and not poaching, a Department of Natural Resources spokesman said.
"It would be the same as shooting someone's livestock," DNR Sgt. Ronald McCarty said.
Such incidents have occurred during the past 12 years since the reserve was fenced in, Nugent said.
He's lost an average of three to six mature, white-tailed bucks a year, but the number of illegal shootings has grown "totally out of control" during the past 12 months.
The culprits are likely doing the shooting at night and when there is little snow to avoid leaving tracks, Nugent said.
The incidents go beyond the realm of poaching, Nugent said. The avid sportsman termed the acts as felonious vandalism, which is rampant throughout the county, he said.
"They destroy these animals and they don't retrieve a majority of them," Nugent said. "They just leave them to rot.
"There's a hillbilly element out there that has to be addressed and exposed ! that just preys on Americans."
Nugent is not the only preserve owner experiencing trouble.
Michigan State Police are investigating a similar incident that occurred within the past month at another county preserve, Lt. Monica Yesh said. In that case, large game was shot and dragged to the property line.
The trooper investigating the case wasn't available for comment.
Nugent said the incentive of a reward may bring the "soulless" people behind such acts to justice.
"Something has got to be done about this," Nugent said. "I'll have to move out of the damn state. All my buddies in other states don't have to deal with this.
"It's a tragedy. It's broken my family's heart."
man thats some funny shit!!! i hate him sooo much "raaaar diiiie". damn now that i think about it i dunno anyone who likes this fuck. he such a sportsman w/ his "hunting"
someone should really sell this guy suicide.