like looking through a fogged mirror

Oct 10, 2009 01:28

I've left my existence to grasp the power of my existence. day breaks. night falls.
But only I, this sentient being only vaguely aware of itself, can piece time together again.


Being poor sucks only in certain circumstance. Such as emergencies.
I feel fine. though we didn't go to the club.
The club is not an emergency. just an opportunity.
Another on a pile of others I let wash by me everyday.

If I had an I.D. things would be a hell of a lot easier.
I'd sell my lifeforce. sell my bodily fluids.
I'd go to clubs w/o worrying about finding someone to sneak me in.

funny thought though.
I feel bad for whomever stole my wallet. because they didn't get shit from it.
Just a bunch of empty bank cards, and the networking cards of clubkids from across the country.

So I will be on the road soon.
Jakk's mum (whom we're staying with) wants more money starting Oct. 25th
or she says we're out. she told her daughter she doesn't care if she's homeless or not.
Jakk has a job, and has been giving her money, paying for groceries, and doing chores.
Still, she isn't happy.
Well, I knew we'd be gone soon. I'm surprised it lasted so long.

Jakk's father is coming over to visit next weekend. So that means I can't stay here during that time.
I'll be camping out somewhere in a park. It'll be fun.

My only worry is getting stopped by the cops and not having ID. Because they take you in for that, you know.
which is bullshit.
It seems I have to prove who I am everytime I want to enter a building, or use a public restroom.

It'll be tough to travel with Jakk because it's easier to find a place to stay with 2 people, as opposed to one. But, it's very lonely.
I figure we'll camp out and make our way to the keys. Where I have friends. Some I consider family. Some I miss badly.

We'll figure it out as we go. Like I always do.

I want to go see jake again. Possibly live with him.
I want to see GA, and NC again. I want to meet trey. like, actually meet him, and not just be in the same place this time. I want to see Jaden again. on better terms this time. And a lot of other people that have passed in and out of my life. Or was it I that had wandered through theirs? hm.

I'm turning 22. SHHH!
yeah, crazy. the age my parents birthed me into this world.
I couldn't imagine having a child now. I'd hate myself for having a kid.

Well, I am asking for money for my birthday to anyone who asks.
I could use it now.
All my life, I've not asked for presents. I would usually get a book, my mother would make me a funny cake but, I detested the attention of birthdays.
Birthdays should celebrate the mother who brought you into this world, or the ones that took care of you.

Attention.. I want that the other 364 days out of the year!
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