Oct 28, 2003 16:54
Isn't it funny that just when you thought you'd be busy most of the day, you end up not being busy, and then you remember something that makes you busy and then you get really pissed off because you actually have a lot to do, but none of it makes any god-damn difference and you just want to get a 30 inch chainsaw and run through the office screaming like a madman scientifically studying in the back of your mind how easily a quickly moving group of blades can tear up bone and at what rate, and you discover that the greatest feeling on earth is watching your boss's face as she losses critical blood and is so bereft of life that she can't muster the energy to scream behind her shallow stupid freakin eyes and she discovers the light that she is to walk into is actually the glean of my chainsaw's blade as it rips full circle through her jugular vein and I find the warm spray of blood plasma oddly soothing as her hand slides down my arm in a futile attempt to retain her evaporating grip on life.
.....I really do hope everyone had a nice weekend! Talk to you soon....