Prompt #1 - Darkness
Title: I Like the Dark
Genre: General/Comedy (hopefully)
Rating: G, unless 1 swear word will have to bump it up to a PG
Pairing: Peter/Susan of course!
Great idea Natalie!! btw, the post below this one is wild huh? i mean, peter and susan do look like they're getting married. i also think it's interesting that the children look like they're wearing the same outfits and have the same baggage as the 2006 version. btw, what are those boxy thingies slinged around their bodies? *lunch box?*
A/N: This is right before LWW. So, everybody is the same age and appearances as the movie. The girl that sits next to me in my World Music class probably thinks I’m nuts because I write all my stories and draw all my pictures in that class. The beautiful part is that she has no idea what I’m writing about. ha. well, let’s get moving.
I Like the Dark
By Ana
“Peter, haven’t you ever snogged a girl?”
‘It’s chilly out here,’ he tried to ignore the question.
“Yes,” the thirteen year old blushed.
“Oh yeah? Who?” A circle of Peter’s friends questioned and centered around him.
“Who Peter? What’s her name?”
“Mary!” he blurted out, veering his eyes towards the school wall.
The boys laughed, “Who’s Mary?”
“No one you know!!” Peter snapped. “Have you snogged a girl before?!”
Some of them silenced while a couple sniggered, “Yeah” and “All the time.”
The recess bell rang and they all went back to class. However, class could never teach Peter what a kiss feels like.
“Susan? Susan, are you home?” Peter dropped his school bag in the front foyer. “Susan where are you?”
“What is it, Peter?” the charcoal haired girl emerged from the kitchen with a couple Jaffa cakes.
“Susan, I need your help.”
“Ok, what is it?” she lead him back into the kitchen.
“Well,” he was not quite sure how to explain his situation. “You’ve kissed guys before, right?”
When he asked he all of the sudden did not want to know the answer.
“Why, yes, Peter. If you really want to know,” she coyly went back to her stool at the breakfast bar, where a glass of milk and a box of cakes waited for her
“Su, don’t laugh, ok?” She responded by eyeing him before she dunked a cake into her milk.
“What does it feel like?”
A laugh emerged from behind Peter. “Peter,” a small strawberry blonde giggled, “you’ve never kissed a girl?”
“Have you?”
“Kissed a girl?” Lucy asked disgusted.
“No! A boy. Duh.”
“Yes, Peter!” This took Peter aback of the thought of his nine year old sibling kissing a boy. The protective brother instinct over took him.
“Who was it Lucy?!”
“Yeah, who was it Lucy?” the last Pevensie child chided.
“Why do you care, Ed?” Lucy defended.
“Maybe he could kiss a frog too.”
“Ew, Ed!!”
“Well, he kissed you!”
“EDMUND!” the other three snapped, with Susan throwing one of her cakes at him.
“Have you kissed a girl, Eddy?” Susan giggled.
“Liar,” Peter scolded.
“No, I’ve seen him outside school,” Lucy giggly added.
“You saw that?!”
“It’s not like it was dark outside!!”
Peter’s objective wasn’t being fulfilled and he honestly did not want to hear about Edmund’s kissing sessions at school, or the thought of Lucy kissing someone for that matter. Either way, this conversation was done.
“Lucy, Ed, I want to talk to Susan.”
“About snogging?”
“Shut up, go to your room!” Susan sat in silence drinking the remainder of her milk.
“You’re not the boss of me!”
“Me either.”
With that Peter grabbed Susan’s wrist and jerked her off her stool, and it took an effort for her to not spill her milk. “C’mon,” he demanded.
“Peter!” Susan yelled in annoyance and excitement.
“Run!!” They ran out of the kitchen down the hall with the younger two on their heels towards Peter’s room.
On the short run across the foyer and down the hallway, Edmund managed to catch on to the hem of Susan’s skirt. Susan yelled and Peter pinched his brother’s hand and it was Edmund’s turn to yelp. Finally, the eldest made it to the room.
The room was dusky from the sunset. Susan moved to turn on the light, but Peter stopped her. “Wait.” Peter did not think he could look at his sister and ask her his embarrassing question again.
“What now Peter?”
“I want to ask you in the dark.”
“That’s silly, why?”
He was happy the lights were out and the sun was setting more and more, twilight would begin soon. Feeling his cheeks flush he mumbled to the ground, “I’ve never kissed a girl.”
“Oh, Peter, that’s alright. Your first kiss should be special. I mean, me and Billy Waldingham were playing in a refrigerator box and he stole it from me.”
Peter laughed, “I remember you came home crying.”
“Yes, well… that was a long time ago.”
“ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SNOGGING!?!?!?!” came from the other side of the door.
“What does it feel like, Su?”
She laughed out loud, “It’s hard to explain. Tingly, I guess is the best way. Soft and…” Peter could hear her imagine, “explosive at the same time.”
Peter pounded his fist against the door causing a “SHIT!” and an “OW!” from the other two, which you can figure who said what.
“Mmm. Su,” he reached out to grab her hand, but found her stomach instead. “Sorry.”
She found his hand and they went to sit down on his bed.
“I want to hear more about it, Su.”
Exasperated she flopped down parallel to his footboard. “Why do you want to know so bad, Peter. Just go out there and find out yourself.”
“Fine, Susan.” With a newly made indent of the bed on one side of her body and the contour of a shadow becoming clearer, she felt the touch of timid innocence on the corner of her mouth.
“Peter,” she sighed. “You missed.”
Like a shadow of a bird flying across the moonlight, when motions so fathomed in purity cannot be described, such was this first kiss that Peter and Susan shared.
He kissed her again and looked out the window. “Susan,” he sat up. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For that.”
“Peter, if I tell you something you promise not to laugh,” she let a smile escape her full lips. The artificial moon was starting to fill the ground and shimmer into his room.
“Of course,” he looked down at her and could make out her smile, the nose that they shared, the round eyes, the outline of her face and her long, beautiful hair falling all around her.
“I was hoping I would steal your first kiss!” amusement escaped her lips in spite of herself.
“Oh, yeah? Well, maybe we can kiss in the light sometime!”
“But I like kissing you in the dark.”
“I like the dark too.”