Nothin' much

Oct 26, 2006 21:20

going on here to write about, but I am trying to get better at this.

DH got another raise at work, yee-haw, and is enjoying this job immensely. Bless him. He pulled a paux pas the other night; after talking with his mum about his sister, who is still having health issues and now is slipping into a depression, (oh, how I understand), and was told that if she didn't come out of it/be treated for it, they would lose her faster than expected, said, she needs to snap out of it. Oh, HELLO!!!!!! Did you not learn anything over the last six months?????? If I didn't love him so much, I'd have smacked him with the cast-iron frying pan I had just used for dinner. I cried for over 40 minutes, just shocked. Did he think I should have snapped out of it, and that I was going through this just to get his attention???? Sheesh. But, we worked that out and he is safe from the smacking, at least for the moment. :-)

It's late and I need to be off to bed. More another day. Hopefully before another week passes.


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