Other scribblings

Aug 11, 2006 07:01

Well, took sister to Lewiston Wednesday, she was to see a nerve doctor about these everyday- severe-blinding migraines she has. He tells her he can't do anything for her. Figures. DH and I did finally qualify for food stamps, (I hate doing it, but, one meal a day was finally taking its toll on me), so we did do some more than desperately needed food shopping. I have food! (Yes, I am easily entertained.....)

Actually managed to be either on time, or, better yet, early with papers for the last four days. :-) Should I mention that that was even with getting a late start on Tuesday? Go, me!!!!!! I even managed to stay up all day every day since last Sunday, until yesterday, (Thursday), when the sleepies hit at about 0800, and I didn't see another thing until 1400, (2:00 in the afternoon), and then, went back to sleep at 2000, (8:00 p.m.), until DH woke me up at 2200, (10:00) to motor myself off to bed. Where I stayed until 0337 this a.m. And, haven't attempted to kill myself, nor hit myself in the face with rubber bands this week, so, all things considered, life on the newspaper delivery route front is good.

On the papers, anyway. That full-time, year-around, I was so excited about, (and got prepared for), job isn't as full-time, year-around as we had been told. DH has gotten to work all of three days in the last two weeks. So, he's looking again..... Grrrrrr.

My son-in-law just had to one up me on the temp front. I was mentioning the lack of enthusiasm on the going to Lewiston trip the other day, and he writes me, "did I read you are worried about 110????" It seems it was 130 with 100% humidity Wednesday where he is......which is somewhere in Iraq, and that was a good day. Ok, I do not envy him.....

DH is up and moving, so I suggested we go shoot this a.m., since I do so much better earlier in the day than I do when we go shoot in the p.m., and it looks like I get to go try to shoot at the afore mentioned offending tree. :-)

weather; son-in-laws

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