I feel like I re-watch the entire series of the West Wing about twice a year, and for the past year have read about all the Josh and Donna fanfic that has been written (and still alive) at least once. I wanted to be able to put the two together and be able to watch an episode and then have that episode's post eps available at a glance without searching through 17,000 LJ posts to find them. This is, as the title suggests, my attempt to put them all in one place, for my reference, as well as my fellow shippers'. Instead of searching for everything now, I'm going to keep adding fic as I come across it. (The following being just what I was reading this morning, at oh, 5 am when my hangover woke me up, and maybe two or three that I knew exactly how to find.) So I will definately repost this in a few months with much more detail. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!
Season 1
Season 2
2.07 "The Portland Trip"
Season 3
3.06 "War Crimes"
Season 4
4.14 "Inauguration: Over there"
4.20 "Life on Mars"
Season 5
5.11 "The Benign Prerogative"
5.20 "No Exit"
5.21 "Gaza" / 5.22 "Memorial Day"
Season 6
6.09 "Impact Winter"
6.11 "Opposition Research"
6.14 "King Corn"
Season 7
7.13 "The Cold"
7.16 "Election Day Part 1"
7.22 "Tomorrow"