Aug 03, 2006 18:05
Ok... so I've been listening to the LeakyMug podcast from the Harry Potter convention in Vegas last week, and the panel discussion... yada yada yada....and someone used the term Fawkes block .... so effng funny... maybe even more funny than the term A.K.'ed (as in Adava Kedavera'ed)
If you're interested, it was used to describe how Dumbledore's pheonix, Fawkes, appeared in the belly of the ministry to block Voldie's Avada Kedavera aimed at Dumbledore... get it... a Fawkes block?
Anyways.... yeah, that was the only purpose of this post.
Oh, and there was an article in the ELLE I was reading while waiting at the hair salon today proclaiming "Marrying down: why younger, less-successfull men make better husbands."
Okie Dokie.