Mar 16, 2011 08:55
I actually have a list of random stuff that has been happening since my last post, but have been too lazy to write about it. Probably because it is more annoying things than something good. Yesterday however, I had something exciting happen. Well, it is really only exciting to me, but it made me very happy.
When I was prepping for my possible medical school interviews, I made a list of things I wanted to bring. One item was the photo of me in the operating room when I first had wrist surgery. I remembered the photos being in the corner of a bookcase, but was unable to find them in the one I thought it was in. Last night out of random I happened to find it, well them. Turns out there were two photos. I was going through all the DVDs in my living room to see which ones were missing their discs or had extra ones. I used to have a very bad habit of putting discs in different cases when I couldn't find the case it belonged to. In the search, I found some photos in the corner of the bookcase. Ta Da! I had located my missing photos.
That night I had them sitting on my books for school. I was going to bed when my phone buzzed at me. My dad had taken photos of them and sent them to me. Now I have them on my computer, phone, and the hard copies.
Ever time I look at them it makes me super-excitedly happy. Yay!