I have confidence. o.o; Just not in o-chem...

Jun 25, 2009 11:30

Wow does o-chem suck. The lab I'm doing alright in, but the lecture is miserable. The material really hasn't been that bad but the tests are brutal. I have no idea how I did on the test I took today. I figure about at 83. My other test grade is a 73. My first test grade is 68 but hopefully that will be the drop grade (one test is dropped). The B range is 75-86. The top and bottom 3% are given +/-. So if I get an average of 75-78 I'll get a B-. Or if I can get an 83-86 I'll get a B+. I figure I'll get a B (like I always do -_-). I really don't want a C. Hopfully I'll be able to stay in the B range. An A- (or holy crap and A) would be amazing, though I doubt that will happen unless I'm really really lucky and get a really good grade on this test and the next.

One problem that is entirely my own is that I have terrible study skills. I am a wicked procrastinator and won't study until the last minute and I'm under pressure. I really really hope to change that for next semester. If I don't do well I'll re-take the class, but after looking at the grade range I think I could possible get a B. Atleast I really really hope I get a B. Not that B's aren't bad but I want to go to medical school and I really need to bring up my GPA. I have about a 3.43 at the moment but even a hope of getting in I need atleast a 3.5. The other problem is that almost all of my "science" classes I have gotten B's in. That average too needs to be raised.

So I have newfounded confidence as an EMT. I am really good about cramming right before something (though I did legit study) but I tend to forget things right after the test. I passed the EMT-B examine on the first time. But then I didn't know ANYTHING as an EMT. Over this past year I have gained much knowledge but still felt like I was missing things. So the other night I actually bothered to re-read my study guide (versus the entire book) and found that I already knew all the questions to ask and basically what to do. Unfortunately Basics can't do much. Hence, basic. They are useful but can't do many interventions, like start IVs (which all I care about learning how to do for some reason). The general rule of thumb for a basic is O2 and Transport. That's it. -_-; I will be so glad when I get to take the intermediate class. Though, unfortunately, it probably won't be for another year.

So yeah, last Sunday (6/21) I became confident. Maybe this will mean I'll become a crew chief at school. o.o Oh gasp! See how the school year goes. But, I will be becoming a driver this summer which is awesome because I'll be much more useful and be able to work on a two person crew.
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