W.O.W. Lets do it again!

Aug 26, 2009 20:02

 So I am still a bit overwhelmed. This was my first con. and I've got to admit I was a bit scared at first. Most of you knew each other if not by face then by name so I felt completely out of the loop. You guys are a wonderful bunch who made me feel welcomed especially since I just kind of appeared out of nowhere.

I am trying to get back to real life and my job to people who just don't understand my obsession passion like you guys do. ::sigh::
So, I came back home to a red sky and flames not five miles from my house. The Morris Dam fire is still going and with only 10% of it contained, it looks as though hazy skies and ash covered cars are in the forecast for the near future. Not so bad I guess since winds are currently  (and thankfuly) pushing the fire away from the homes, but I guess it's not so great for the wildlife.

I wish I had more to add to this post such as picspam, but me being the idiot that I am I left my camera in the hotel room when we left for MoSI so I only managed to get a couple of semi good shots and a handful of crappy ones from my no zoom, flash-less phone. I know a few of your guys have a couple of pictures with me in them, but I'm not sure if you'll post the pictures here or on your own journals. I know for a fact that geminiscorp has one of me, but I completely blanked out on who has another one where Snape was using me as a pillow in his night shirt on the couch when we were in the 'party' room (1622). Anyhow I should be off friending some more of you guys, but I've been busy and lazy all at one time.

When I got home from the airport I had to play host to my ride (my uncle), then my mother wanted to know more about the trip, them my dad came home and wanted to know more about the trip and somewhere in between my sister came home and didn't want to know about the trip, but since I was already on a roll I stalked her around the house until I told her all about it. :oD

I barely managed to set my alarm clock for work this morning and sent off one text and one reply before I completely zonked out. Off to work this morning, then home, then finish unpacking, laundry, say hi to my lovely Oso>>>
, make reservations for Infinitus (yes, I managed to get them, yes they are very close to the main convention hotel- about 3 miles, and yes (yay!) I got a bomb ass price even better than the one I got for Chicago) THEN I tried, I really did try, to post an update, but then I decided to pick a fic from a quick hotel-stationary-hand-written-SS/HG-rec-list that the lovelylariopefic  gave me and then I was hooked and couldn't detach my eyes from the screen 0_0 yep just like that. Eventually I made myself head over here to LJ and here I am writing a quick post-HWW post.

I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for making HWW so great and a few more thanks go for those of you who brough goodies! I know I got in late for most of the meet and greet and I'm sure that other goodies were brough and consummend, but what I managed to get and put a name to the originator are the skull/dragon neckalces from pearle9240 , the scrumptious cookies (stained glass and ginger snapes (giggle-snort)) and the WILF buttons from pyjamapants , the beautiful rune stones from juniperus and I have no idea who brought in the extra buttons/book marks and such, but they were awsome and thank you! Well duh! I almost forgot my roomate irishredlass69 who brough some delectable cheese, meats and crackers as well as breakfast pastries and the all too important coffee! I didn't partake in any of the later, but it smelled delicious nonetheless.

I will also say a great big miss you to all and to the two ladies that spent an extra night with me, lariopefic  and laiksmarei . Conversation was never lacking or dull and literally I was suffering from dropped jaw syndrome for a while because I could not believe that I could comment on a particular author or fic and have a response that was definitely not 'who's that' or 'what is that?' or 'can you explain it to me?'  I seriously can't wait to see you guys again. We should definitely try to do something as intimate/informal as the HWW was.  See you guys later!

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