Glittering heliotrope, honeysuckle, orange blossom and lemon verbena.
Category -
ReviewsImp decant
Attempt: 1
In Imp: Sharp bitter greens (Orange blossom how could you!) with lemon, a hint of floral, and actual orange (or maybe I just am interpreting the lemon wrong).
Immediately after application: Holy crap the orange blossom disappeared (I'm assuming the sharp greens were it). Very lemony without going pine-sol on me, with a hint of actual orange? This is too good to be true. I even detect some light florals? GASP.
5 minutes post application:
Wrist -Lemon is almost candy like without being sickenly sweet and I swear I smell some orange mixed in there even though it shouldn't be. Powdery florals in the background maybe?
Away - Tasty not-bitter and not-sweet lemons! Hint of floral.
1 hours post application:
Wrist - Delicious almost candied lemons with lighter florals mixed in. I swear I smell orange too and it makes the lemon that much tastier.
Away - Same.
3 hours post application:
Wrist - This so happy and delicious it's like sunshine in an oil with kittens and unicorns prancing over lemonade topped with flowers.
Away - I love this.
James: Is intrigued and likes it.
Allergic Reaction: None.
Lasted: 6+ hours delicious-lemonade-happy-sunshine-on-my-skin.
Overall: I really liked this but I'm not sure I need more than my imp. It's almost too happy for me to wear, although maybe that means I should buy it and let it gradually bolster me out of my depression.