Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2007 19:18

1. A very Happy Halloween to all!

2. ebonyserpent, I got your absolutely LOVELY Halloween card! Thank you! ♥

3. I was walking around the city after work, and already people are out and about in all kinds of costumes. Roommate is planning to go to the Village Parade. I'm not sure if I want to go, but I do, I'll re-don my dragon costume and go as what's supposed to be a Welsh Green Dragon, but what in reality looks more like a Yoshi ;)

4. Went to the otw_news Halloween party this past Sunday, dressed as above-mentioned dragon. It was great hanging out with friends and meeting new people. A very fun night of good munchies and drool-worthy fanvids *g*

5. No NaNo for me, but I'm chugging away at fest writing.


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