Bye-Bye, Resty

Oct 04, 2010 22:18

Dear ziasudra,

I send you greetings from Resty's family. They are doing well and wish to extend their thanks to you for loving and caring for Resty since you picked her up. Thank you very much for the letters and cards you sent to her, the fees, medicine and gifts you sent helped them alot as a family and that you made so special.

At this time of this letter writing Resty is not around to have written it by herself. She has left the project area to a place where it is not possible to attend. the place is far away and that is where she has left for to stay with her elder sister.

However, as a project and church, we want to thank you so much for your support and love. During her time in the project we exposed Resty to many things including the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and we believe she will one time confess Him as her Lord and Savior.

Different livelihood skills we taught and she participated in each of them while included tailoring, table cloth and mat making among others.

She was able to complete Primary level education and we hope it will be a foundation for her to progress to other levels.

Thank you for the school fees, medicine and meals you always contributed for Resty.

May the Lord bless you so much and keep you in good health.

From [Child Development Officer]

* * *

She was so close to completing her schooling. Just one more year. The last letter I got from her was her informing me that she got pregnant and hoped things will be okay in a scared little girl way. She was seven when I first started sponsoring her. My very first sponsor child. Now she's 17. In a weird way, I feel like I grew up along with her.

The program is assigning me a new child to support, a little girl. It's not the same though. Instead of having two children I picked out from piles of photo cards, I now have two new children whom I hardly know. Maybe I'll actually be good about writing letters and sending birthday gifts this time around.


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