Happy July 4!

Jul 04, 2008 15:50

In keeping with the all-American tradition of hot dog-eating, Roommate A and I went out to Gray's Papaya for hot dogs this morning. Hot dogs for breakfast... yum ^_^;;

I spent the day fixing up my resume to reflect my latest title change. Try as I may, I couldn't get it to fit into one page, and that was already after I cut out anything remotely irrelevant. Wow, my "solid" experiences are piling up *g*

I also spent the day thinking today's a Saturday, and my brain is desperately trying not to go splodey from the lack of Doctor Who, which won't be aired until tomorrow. To keep myself sane sate my Who withdrawal, I trawled YouTube for Doctor Who vids and found this wonderful Doctor Who/Torchwood gem made by heidi8 back in November 2007 -- Almost Like a Prophecy (Doctor/Jack).

I then spent more time reminiscing the good ol' days of Mandarin and Cantopop songs. Below the cut is a decent-sized list of songs I've come to fall in love all over again (click to listen on YouTube). I only chose one song per artist to keep the list small, but I decided to do a little spotlight moment on 羅大佑 and my many favorite songs of his.

Beyond - 大地
呂方 - 從未如此深愛過
李克勤 - 我不會唱歌
林子祥 - 十分十二吋
梅艷芳 - 胭脂扣
許冠傑 - 浪子心聲
陳淑樺 - 夢醒時分
張國榮 - 有誰共鳴
張學友 - 遙遠的她
溫拿 - 千載不變
黃安 - 明明知道相思苦
劉德華 - 一起走過的日子
羅文 - 幾許風雨
譚詠麟 - 朋友
蘇芮 - 誰可相依

And some of my favorite songs by 羅大佑:

Tonight? Japanese food soon and then I'm heading home :)

holiday, video

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