Jul 11, 2010 16:16
I would like to say a great big FUCK YOU to the person in my life who is always telling me the following: "You need to do this, you need to do that, you have to get rid of your stuff, you shouldn't ever buy anything ever, you never contribute, you need to stop having the tiny amount of fun you ever get, you're too loud, you never speak up, you're too messy, you get too excited about things I'm not excited about, stop being creative because it gets in my way, you never DO anything, stop having friends who do things I don't agree with, go out more, I never see you, you have to focus 24/7, you need work as many hours as possible and you need to cram in 20 credits a semester, but you need to get good grades, and you have to sleep because I can't have you up all night...You never do anything for me."
no reason,