report 1 report 2 (video) string of tweets he admits it Y'know what I noticed?
No one ever mentions whether he apologized or replaced the books he vandalized.
No one mentions whether he was told to stop destroying other people's property.
He damages/destroys other people's stuff because "Pay attention to meeeeee!" and it's a funny prank.
"Here, just keep it where he can't reach it." Does that sound like "boys will be boys" to anyone else? "You're the girl so just don't get upset. Be the grownup."
It's bullying. He used his position as a male and the headliner to get away with it.
That last link has a quote frome someone else (not Heard nor Momoa) saying "She's not mad, she adores him."
Wanna bet she'd be blacklisted if she expressed any other sentiment?