I keep seeing references to a secular version of the ten commandments. Think I'll work on my own list. Ten is kind of an arbitrary number, though, so may differ in the "end". (I put end in quotes as it will be -- must be, should be -- an evolving list as changes happen or are brought to my attention.) What is ONE item on your list for modern days?
For me (so far today)
Wheaton's Law
Help when you can
Make time to take care of yourself
Think about it
http://www.ethicalatheist.com/docs/ten_commandments.htmlhttp://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/religion/story/2011-10-28/penn-jillette-ten-commandments/50978982/1http://atheism.wikia.com/wiki/Ten_Commandment_AlternativesWheaton's Law