Jun 06, 2010 17:15
If you still want in on the Lip Balm and, possibly, cuticle cream or herbal ointment testing process, leave a note here. Comments are screened as I would need to mail to many people who have offered and for that, I'd need -- wait for it -- mailing addresses!
Along with the name and mailing address, leave an email address please and a list of any allergies/sensitivities you have like mineral oil, cocoa butter, etc. Likely won't be suitable for Vegans as I do use beeswax in most things of this nature.
There will also be a survey/poll posted a few days after the samples are sent out with questions about texture, flavor, etc. and if you ask for samples you'd be expected to fill that out when you've had a chance to try things. I figure most of you knew that already!
opinions wanted,