miintikwa gave me a B and I'm supposed to like 10 things of Bs.
Do YOU want a letter?
1) Books! and Books and books and books.
2) BPAL. 'nuff said.
3) Bees -- I'm allergic to getting stung, but I love honey and beeswax and flowers and being able to eat (which bees are important for!)
4) Boots -- can't wear most b/c my calves are SO wide, but I really enjoy well-fitting leather boots.
5) Batman. Though I'm off Adam West.
6) Bar, chocolate type.
7) Bottles. Old perfume bottles especially for pretty, or bottles like medicine used to come in that I can do things to. (Take that any way you please.)
Robin Kelley got me this a few years ago and I adore it. It's actually in 3 parts -- the bottom is an ungent jar, the lid for that is a perfume bottle, and the lid for THAT is basically a wand cap! And Aren't the pictures lovely?
8) Boys! Or actually that would be Men! now, since "boys" would likely involve jail time for me.
9) Butter on a Baked Potato.
10) Being a Massage Therapist / Bodyworker.