Gong Show

Oct 12, 2002 14:50

well, my birthday week is done. over. kapoots. thank the gods

heres an overview:

Tuesday (Birthday): went to school for 9am, school finished at 4pm, went for supper at 4:15pm, went to work at 6:30pm, worked til 8:30pm. then a bunch of my friends came down to have a few drinks with me at my club. we just opened up for tuesdays and no one really knows we're open, so there was no one there besides me and my friends, so we had good service lol. had lots of shots....many many shots. can't remember how many. but yah, left at 10:30pm cuz peoples had school and work (as did i...in fact i had a big test the next morning)

Wednesday: went to my club again with some friends. one of my friends won some free alcohol so we proceeded on using up that free alcohol. we succeeded. i had a few shots that nite as well. got pretty happily drunk. and while dancing the dj goes 'and a big happy bday goes out to our very own Carla, whose been celebrating yesterday and today!!' lol then he put the spotlite on me on the dance floor....go me! went home about midnite.

Thursday: was supposed to go back to my club that nite cuz the dj said he wanted me and my friends to come down and visit him and he'd 'treat us good' lol. in other words, free drinks! but yah, i didn't go out, i was passed out in bed by 9:30pm. oh well.

Gong Show Friday: i didn't get the nite off. obviously lol, as you may have read in the previous post. but i did talk to my sub and she said she'd come in to take over for me at 11pm. so i started work at 7:30. i had a few shots while working. didn't get to drunk though, and my sub came early! heheehe, she showed up at 10pm. so i went and bought a shit load of drinks for everyone and went on my merry way.

ok, i don't think i've had that many shots in one nite before...like, i have no idea how many shots i had. many many many shots. but i was all good. me and my friends were partying it up at my club, i was gettiing hammered out of my mind. i went dancing, i socialized. it was great. my pansyass ex was a waiter that nite cuz a couple waitresses didn't show up so i had fun making fun of him and calling him a fag lol.

man i had a lot of shots.....but one shot did me in. one simple tasty little shot. i don't know what it was (i asked the bartender and he said he just made it up lol) but it was a big milky shot in a short glass. i was like, 'uh oh'. see, i can't handle milky shots. they make me gag hardcore, even when i'm already tanked out of my mind and i could handle tequila like koolaid. but i was like, ok, one milky shot, i can do it, its a bit big, but i can do it. i took the shot, said,' hmm, actually this is pretty damn good' then spewed all over the floor in front of the main bar LOL.

it was just a little puke lol. just that one shot actually that just came up. my stomach couldn't handle it, and i was just fine afterwards. i went running to get some napkins to clean up my mess, and of course my bartender is pissing himself laughing at me, and he calls over one of the porters whose a pretty good friend of mine too. he's like, 'look! carla puked!!' and they're both standing there laughing at me....how embarrassing...thanks guys!!

i'll get them back tonite :P

so yah, that was about halfway through the nite. i kept drinking and felt happily tanked all nite. it was good. of course though all my friends were leaving early. i'm kicking myself right now for not going with them. but i was having such a good time. and i figured i could find someone to drive my car easily. well my DD (designated driver) left me lol. and i was all alone with one of my buddies. joy.

and no matter how hard i tried, i ended up back in the coat check. i had my friends yelling at me 'carla! get out of there its your nite off!' and the other coat check girls were trying to push me out and i was like, 'but they need my help!!' lmao. i'm a freak, what can i say. but yah, i was a help earlier on in the nite. i was already tanked but i heard that the till at the front broke down so i went running to see what i could do. i fixed it. i rock! and i was drunk. i saved the day

so ok, stayed till like 4am at the club to sober up a bit cuz i didn't have a driver. i never did sober up heh. but me and my buddy were taking off, but then my ex and another porter got in my car cuz they needed a ride home. then my ex pulled me out of the drivers seat cuz he thought i was too drunk to drive (which i was lol) so he drove all of us around, and i was gonna go to his place to pass out for a couple hours and then take off home. but my ex failed to inform me that his roommates were having a little houseparty, so we got there and theres all these freaky people milling about. i didn't know many of them, some i knew from work and even they seemed out of place. the music was loud and there was someone passed out in my ex's bed anyways, so i just grabbed my things and went home.

i probably shouldn't have driven, but hey, what was i to do? doesn't matter now. i'm alive, aren't i?

so yah, i didn't wake up with a hangover today thank god! i haven't drank that much and not puked ever...go me! but i did wake up super sick with a sore throat and very mucusy and a nasty cough. i'm never gonna get over this cold and all this partying is gonna get me pneumonia. i missed work this afternoon too cuz of my cough.

jeeze. its like 3 in the afternoon, and i still feel drunk. damn alcohol. no more! no more!

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