Apr 13, 2005 00:09
you think you know something and when asked about it, you're being all clever and confident cause this is an easy topic to talk about and a veritable piece of cake in general, and you're actually enjoying your opportunity to show off a bit for the experts in the field (like your professors) who really don't expect too many of their students to get this answer right...and then you find out that not only were you WRONG, but your entire line of reasoning was completely backwards, so in addition to getting an incorrect answer you've demonstrated yourself to be a moron who hasn't the foggiest clue as to the basic fundamentals of the topic at hand?
Yeah. Cause I just looked at the answer key to my chem test and realized how much i do hate it when that happens.
I'm embarrassed to show my face in class after this. Especially cause I was doing so well until now, I think he actually respected me... or something...