So this weekend I was at Rocky Mountain Fur Con.
I had a great time.
In my past experiences at the convention I wasn't as impressed with RMFC. I thought it had some poor management mistakes that caused annoyances, such as one year when minor badges were not clearly marked as different from general badges.
Teirandragon picked me up from my place after he had driven a long distance. We spent most of the drive talking over story ideas and hammering out details for Tales of the Extraordinary. Its taking a while to get it right but I think we got closer.
The convention itself was a lot of fun and I got to room with the awesome artist Idess and her beau as well as their dachshund dog Chloe. They were good room mates and fellow dealer den folks so we worked out things very nicely.
The Dealer's Den was a hive of activity this year. I remarked a few months ago how strong sales were at Anthrocon for FurPlanet, at least in my uninformed opinion as just a salescorgi, similarly this year at RMFC it was incredibly good sales. We emptied a few boxes but things didn't sell out for the most part so I think enough was brought. That is always a difficult matrix to get right at a convention. Blacksad again sold out at the convention but only late on Sunday.
The one title that sold out quick was
Beasts of Burden: Animal Rites a fantastically creepy and well made horror comic. I bought the last copy for myself. I'll do a review of it soon. Trust me though you all want a copy.
I also got to be the microphone corgi for Unsheathed this year which was a surprise. I had never done that before and actually I didn't know it was my job until after I got the microphone. It was a good show of Unsheathed as well and I had fun listening to it.
I got to see some good friends as well. Sell some books. Talk shop with some people and I got an adorable corgi sketch from Idess. All around a very fun convention. I wish I had sold more of my book but honestly I'm shocked I sold any of it as this was the third year it was at the convention.
On the drive home Teiran and I talked shop a bit more discussed some truly delightful plans with the villain Profesor Maestra and listened to an audio book edition of Confessions of a D-List Supervillain by Jim Bernheimer. It was a fun book overall to listen to and perfectly in the superhero genre.
It is a little hard to settle in back home but I'm trying. Dreading the weekend when Sister dear comes for a visit.