This is your Sleep on Coffee

May 18, 2006 19:12

Oh yeah.  I forgot about a few coffee side effects - namely, insomnia and headaches - especially if I drink it in the afternoon.  I think these were the main reasons I gave it up, except on weekends (as a treat) and ski mornings.

So like a good Potter-obsessed soul, when I had a hard time falling asleep last night, I somehow connected to the thought of what it must have been like for Lily and James to try to sleep at night knowing Voldemort was after them.  Imagine being a Mum in those circumstances!  Here's what my mind came up with at that hour:  
(By the way, this falls into the N.U.B.S category- Nastily Un-Beta'd Snippet.  And holy hippogriffs, I'm getting Fluffy!)

It was pitch dark.  Lily couldn't even see if James was awake next to her.  The full moon had passed weeks ago while she'd watched him worry about Remus.

"James," she whispered.

His head sprung up in the darkness.  "Lily?"

"Sorry.  Were you asleep?"

He let his head fall back.  "Just barely," he answered hoarsely.  His tone switched to one of concerned disapproval.  "You're not."

"I can't sleep again."

"Do you want to put your head on my chest?" he asked, knowing this had comforted her in the past.

"Mmmhmm"  She shifted and lay her ear down against his core.  He wrapped his arms around her, then reached up and smoothed her hair.

"Let's see if we can sleep now," he said.  "Harry's asleep," he added convincingly.

"He always sleeps," Lily replied.  "He's so good... such an angel."

"Hmmm...more like you than me then."  His gentle smile pervaded the darkness.

Lily smiled too, momentarily forgetting her worries, and burrowed her head.


The problem is that I'm sort of like Lockhart - hoping to do some joined-up writing soon (did someone already use this joke?).  Snippets are good and all, but not if I can't string them together with plot.  I'm having this problem lately.  I do have some plots, but when I write, I find holes in them or they unravel like bad knitting, becoming whimsical and dorky.  I don't want to trivialize the Marauders.  (I hate knee-jerk Marauders.  Or Lily-hates-James Marauders.)  In absolute truthfullness, I'm scared of writing my most promising plot for this reason.

I'm not a good planner.  I admittedly wait for the muse to strike.  The muse strikes...

...When I'm comin back from a rad ski up in the canyon, James tells me about flying as I drive down.

...When people get on my nerves, Sirius tells me about living at home and how he hates people telling him what to do.

...When I'm feeling cheeky or in love, Lily stops in.

...Randomly often when James tells me about the trials and tribulations of getting his girl and standing up against evil.

So if any of you have some advice on joined-up writing, feel free to comment.  Or even to say that this happens to the amazing people too (meaning all of you on my flist).

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