Third Party Observation

Apr 17, 2006 22:57

For the challenge on the Fluff Thread (third person observation of a relationship)


Sirius quietly let himself back into the portrait hole.  It was well after hours, and rightfully, the Fat Lady could have sent him to the headmaster, but he could always count on a little cajoling, especially if Violet was visiting and they were tipsy.

If only “Vi” would stop trying to set him up with her great-great-great (however many greats- he’d lost count) niece in Hufflepuff, he’d have been let in more quickly.  And the quicker they let him in, the quicker they could go back to eating raspberry cordials and cooing over Lord Lester.

He was damp and tired from Padfoot's solitary run in the forest, in need of a good shower and his bed...
As Sirius approached the couch that faced the now emberless fire, he caught sight of a shoe hanging over the armrest.  A glance over the back confirmed the identity of two sleeping occupants... Somehow, he’d already known.

His eyes affectionately pored over the familiar face of his best friend.

James, shut your gob, mate.

In the boys’ dorms an open blowhole like that would make him a prime target for a round of Bertie Bott’s tossing.  The fact that he lay at a tricky angle would have only added to the allure.  James was rolled onto his side, his back pinned against the cushion, facing Lily while she took the gryffins share of the room.

Compromising, to say the least.

I hope he doesn’t plan to spend the whole night like that.

Meanwhile, Lily lay comfortably on her back, tendrils of hair trailing outward, her black cat curled on her chest.

Sirius silently snorted.  I think James got less room than the cat!

James arm was slung across Lily’s waist and, although he was out cold, he’d still managed to curl his unconscious fingers securely around her hip.

He always was the protective sort.  Hell, I've been on the receiving end.... Moony's been on the receiving end... And now Lily.

Obviously she hadn’t been ignoring him tonight--her head lay on his his shoulder, her forehead inches from his collarbone.  Her face, her whole posture was turned slightly toward James.

Turned toward James--that she most certainly was. Whereas she once preferred to be seated on the opposite side of the classroom from him, she was more often found at his side lately. These last few weeks Sirius had seen less and less of his friend as she occupied more and more of his time.

More of Lily, less of James--he’d better get used to it.

Why did the subconscious voice delivering that information sound so oddly like Phineas Nigellus’s?  Was it because bloody Phineas had told him many a thing he wasn’t prepared to hear growing up?  Bastard never sugar-coated anything.

And let's face it, this current situation, no matter how happy it made James, left Sirius with a surfeit of free time on his hands.  He felt unanchored without his sidekick.  Restless.

No, he didn’t really fancy having a girlfriend himself at the moment, even if James did his best to advertise the cause each night when he came up to the dorms wearing a half-hidden smile.  For some unknown reason, Sirius barely had the heart to take the mickey out on him.

No, it was not an unknown reason--somehow everything in James's life would be part of his life too.  The Potters had shared a home with him this summer; he'd eventually learn to make room for Lily.  She certainly had enough nerve, brains, and cheek to keep them both on their toes.

Images from the past month bombarded his memory:

“Sirius, you need to cut your hair..."

...A vision of Lily sitting by the fire generously fixing the clasp on his cloak…

...An admonishing look aimed equally at both he and James for turning up late, again…

...And the way she'd snatched up his last Chocolate Cauldron from the box on the table in the common room when they were studying last week, laughingly popping it in her mouth before he could protest...

But his favorite had to be the way she always trumped podgy old Slughorn in Potions, especially last week:

“Oh my dear girl! Lovely, lovely use of pennyroyal hair. I say it again: You should have been in my own house!"

“Sir, are they looking to replace the house elves with Muggleborn?”

She’d said it with an admirably straight face and polite voice--the likes of which he thought only he and James could pull off when facing a detention from McGonagall.  Sirius had always disliked the Walrus, that rotund old dandy.

Yes, he disliked him for unnecessarily reminding him who his family was and that he came from noble blood and that he should have been sorted Slytherin like his younger brother.  And for telling him what a fine boy Regulus was turning out to be under the influence of that house.  Somehow, it all made Lily’s cheek seem like vicarious victory.

If James had to pick a girl, at least he'd picked the right one.

Still, he was looking like a right git at the moment, Sirius noted with an affectionate smirk.  His hair stood up at odd angles and he still bore red pressure marks on his nose from his glasses, now removed--how long had they been asleep?  And of course, there was that small matter of his mouth gaping open.  Sirius suppressed a snort.

Doesn't really matter what he looks like though, does it, I suppose...

His eyes fell to Lily again. He’d finally gotten his girl and she seemed here to stay. Sirius turned toward the stairs, ready to let the water roll off his shoulders, to shake out his shaggy hair, pull the hangings, and lay his head against a soft down pillow and fall asleep.

lily/james, sirius, fanfic

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