- for those of you keeping track, a more detailed version of the D*C Stargate track schedule is up
here NOTE: new track room in the Marriott (Rm 706) NOT the Hyatt YAYAY! it's even on the same level as the Atrium ballroom where our megapanels are, making it even easier for us for most of our stuff! now the only panels we have that will be in the Hyatt are the System Lord Summit, Don S. Davis Tribute and the Charity Auction. unless those get moved before the con. which, you never know, they might.
- SYTYCD - *snicker* ahhh fandom wank. so much fun. reminds me of so many other instances it amuses me. I wasn't a fan of them but didn't necessarily agree with the results. that said, I'm looking forward to the finale.
- Doctor Who finale (finally!)
- that was cool. and sad. *cheers for Rose and her human Doctor* *cries for Donna* *cries for The Doctor, alone again* and that's all I can really say about that.
- SGA 4.04 The Daedalus Variations
- really cool concept. yay Chuck & Lorne & Zelenka and GASP! THEY ACTUALLY REFERENCED THEIR BASE COMMANDER WHEN HE WASN'T ACTUALLY IN THE EPISODE (can you tell I thought this was a flaw of last season? /snark). I loved this: the entire idea that they weren't the first Team Shep to get stuck on that ship, that this wasn't the first McKay to tackle the problem and the first two McKays failed, big time, and McKay's ultimate solution? to think like Sheppard. roflmfao that made me laugh so hard. but wow those alternate universes were cool. and just the entire thing was creeptastic. (although I do have to say I totally called that they'd be floating in spacesuits waiting for the jumper after the Daedalus blinked off again - TOTALLY CALLED IT. GO ME.) who wrote this one again? *goes to check* Alan McCullough. LOVED it. *squee*
on a random Atlantis-related note, I decided to make a list of episodes, rate them and see exactly who my fav writers, directors and writer/drector combos are... the winners are the Martins - both Gero and Wood, officially not just saying it, although if I factor in also my 4/5 and 4.5/5 ratings Andy Mikita and Brad Turner also pick up points, as does Carl Binder. favorite pair is also the Martins for sheer number of times they've worked together compared to everyone else, even among my favorites. (for the record, I had 22 5/5 rated, 9 4.5/5 rated, and 12 4/5 rated through this ep, which I rated a 4.5)
you have been warned...
- Stargate: Continuum
- now that was good ol' classic fun Stargate SG-1 right there, y'all *imitating Mitchell's Southern drawl* *snicker* hee the commentary was fun to listen to afterwards, too. anyways, ok so a few thoughts, in order. (sorta) the opening shot is definitely fun, thank you Martin Wood, yes you know what you're doing (*snicker* @ you're comments during commentary too). I about died at seeing Vala's idea of a good weapon to take with her to the extraction ceremony though. rofl wow Ba'al is ripped. *drools* (and I get to meet Cliff Simon in less than a month! w00t! again, *snicker* @ the commentary) I knew it was Ben Browder playing the skipper of that ship just from the voice - so not different enough there, I don't know wtf you're talking about there Martin Wood in the commentary lmao. what ship? oh the ship in 1939 transporting the 'gate to the States that Ba'al decides to invade from the future so he can change history. poor Sam having to leave her Jack behind. cool frozen set. holy crap Daniel. "oh shit" indeed. so that kinda really sucked. and it's kinda really cool that they found Jack... and ya know, Daniel's "oh shit" could apply to sooo much here... 'cause yeah they're so fucked. and damn, even Landry's just playing along before sending them packing, separately of couse. can't have them hatching some sekkrit plan to kill them all by putting things right, now can they. *le sigh* and yeah I see their point but dude still it's just not right. and *giggle* Daniel wrote a book! awww and dude, awesome car Cam. and the constant deja vu for everyone who isn't you sucks doesn't Sam? and then... time for the scouts to arrive. and our trio are back together yay! and of course they're not allowed to do what they'd like to do but they could do what they did before, with supervision of course, which then turns into a really cool way of ending up doing exactly what they wanted to do anyways 'cause this timeline is doooooomed. and then there's Ba'al and his queen, which you could sorta guess would be Que'tesh even before the reveal, and Teal'c is brought forth almost looking like a prisoner except that he's bearing the sign of Ba'al and not Apophis but if you don't notice that then you'll be surprised to see him step aside to reveal the prisoner is Apophis. who is then executed with a shiny sword of Ba'als. (cooooool sword. can I have one? pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*) and then you see Kronos (Cronos? whatever the spelling) and Que'tesh, and eventually there's a scene with all the System Lords that Ba'al has now working for him instead of against him - we see good ol' Lord Yu, Niirti, Camulus, Kronos, and apparently Ra (though I must admit I didn't recognize Ra until he was pointed out during the commentary, bad Dax) and maybe someone else I'm forgetting but I think that was it. and then Ba'al calls the President of the U.S. on a satellite phone. rofl but his call is cut short by Que'tesh using the nice shiny sword on Ba'al to try and get info out of Ba'al about how the hell he knows so much about everything and how the hell he's pulled all this shit off only to be interrupted by Teal'c who reports that there's a problem with the stargate on the planet - it's been moved and is being studied in the southern pole which is sooo not what Ba'al wanted to hear - so Que'tesh sends him to destroy it and continues to question Ba'al. when Teal'c interrupts again Ba'al wonders if he was in on the plan with Que'tesh and basically, it ends with Ba'al getting his upper half, split in half by the nice shiny sword care of his loverly queen. it's wicked ugly. but looks kinda cool at the same time. I know I'm weird, so sue me. anyways, it's off to the second Earth-gate to stop Que'tesh for Teal'c. and of course this is where he meets the rest of SG-1. and they go to the time machine world. where they all die except for Mitchell. he gets to live. (don't ask me why, I don't have a clue why him and no one else and they didn't explain in commentary either) he also gets to go back to 1929 instead of 1939 when the ship was invaded by Ba'al at the beginning of the movie. (*snicker* poor guy has to lay low for 10 whole years all by his lonesome before he can sneak on a ship and kill Ba'al *pets*) so we see the end of the altered timeline after we see Mitchell dive through the 'gate, and Teal'c "dies free" by blowing up the place, with Que'tesh in it. cut to 1939 and the same scenes we saw at the beginning, maybe slightly altered, but for the most part, you don't really notice the differences. until the dude goes to check on the cargo (i.e. the 'gate-in-a-box) and suddenly Mitchell's there, dressed like his granddaddy the Captain of the ship and hiding, ready to shoot the Jaffa and Ba'al as they come through the 'gate. he hands the other dude a gun and it's a rather anti-climactic ending for Ba'al, just a simple single bullet to the head, and allll is right with the world. cut back to the original scene of the extraction ceremony, now uninterrupted by people disappearing, and the final Ba'al clone is turned back into human+Goa'uld, everybody's happy, and the movie ends on a shot of a pic in Mitchell's locker indicating that this is indeed the altered, altered timeline, with the pic being him + his graddaddy, not just the pic of his granddaddy that he'd orignally had. cool little tiny wink there. overall, very fun movie, great addition to the collection. sorry for the rambling overview/review. I'll stop now lol.