OK so Trio... typing as I watch...
*giggle* Sheppard + lollipop = *gigglefit*
ow that musta hurt McKay, having both women fall on top of him from that height.
um... wasn't McKay on his back before the commercial break?
ok I'm amused at the talking over each other saying essentially the same thing. *snicker*
lmao poor people afraid of heights
ouch. again.
can i suggest pitching the broken crates out the red door of doom? and whatever else they can to decrease weight in the room? just a thought... *snicker* after, of course, looking for any stuff they could use to get out of there
roflmfao @ Rodney playing "who would you rather..." *gigglefit*
awww Keller's nice trying to make McKay feel better.
yeah, kids suck. rofl
*gigglefit* @ Rodney trying to throw the grappling hook
cool idea.
oh shite. of course a tremor has to hit right at that moment.
ok McKay's nervous rambling? priceless. *dies laughing*
cool canon.
nice job McKay. but HURRY UP AND SWING OVER BEFORE THE ROPE FRAYS! yeah, that was really freaking close.
roflmfao @ clueless McKay
sweet, Teal'c + Ronon next week! *grins*