LOL, WHAT?! This is, easily, the strangest cast decision in the history of ever. :) But I'm greatly amused by it, though. Hmmm, I need some time to think about this.
lmao I KNOW!! I mean, I know that with Sanctuary getting picked up by SciFi, AT won't be available for full-time SGA, but still... WOOLSEY??? *dies laughing* I just can't wait to see McKay's reaction to this. or Sheppard's. *dies laughing at her imagination*
oOo AND GO READ THIS FOR MORE INFO FROM JOE MALLOZZI'S BLOG!!! OMG DANIEL-MCKAY SCENES!! we'll have to listen in slow-mo! *snicker* but written by Gero!!! *dances* and I'm using way too many exclamation points! ROFLMFAO!!
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