good day (more brc)

Sep 11, 2008 23:38

today was a good day.  i went to the dentist, discovered a cavity, filled the cavity and got my teeth all cleaned.  i hadn't gone to the dentist in years, i was expecting a terrifying ordeal.  instead, friendly people scraped gunk off of my teeth, patched up a hole, and gave me a goody bag of toothpaste, toothbrush, floss and a couple replacement sonicare brushes (those weren't free).  also, the day was the best kind of fall day, warm, but with a patina of winter on the wind.  delicious.

oof, i'm tired, but i want to keep up with the brc bits.  even if they are boring.  80% of success is just showing up, right?  right.  onward...

7. moonshine tavern
i don't know if i should describe the phenomenon which is the black rock city bar (non-burners never seem to get it when i tell them that there are bars all over the place that serve drinks as gift. "well, you have to give them something back, right?"  "not really.  i mean, if you gave them something, they wouldn't refuse it, but their whole schtick is to pour lovely drinks into parched throats. so it's not required."), or describe an event that happened in the moonshine tavern (we set up a cigarette bar there, they were gracious hosts.  we were looking for a place to give custom cigarettes a try, and they were more than happy to let it be the moonshine tavern.  i got into a long discussion with Roul, made cigarettes for as many people as I could, and basked in the praise as people smoked what was probably the best tobacco cigarette they had ever smoked), or describe the tavern as compared to other black rock city bars (it was great!  not too loud so you couldn't talk, the dance dome was next-door, not right in the bar (good move) and the hosts were happy and glad to serve.  sometimes you find services in the city where the hosts put on airs or expect something in return (that's not a gift!), not the 'shiners.  they were top notch.  plus the space was nice, lots of couches and chairs to lounge in. ) or maybe just give up because there is just far too much to describe and i couldn't possibly fit it into a little paragraph vignette.  such a quandry.

moonshine, brc, good day

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