Nov 04, 2004 00:58
Ah fuck. Still so freaking depressed it hurts to breathe.
HOWEVAH-- it's time for the revolution, baybee. Here's something I posted on a mothering discussion forum last night, and I keep coming back to it:
Thank you, ____, for reminding us of the wonderful Dylan Thomas quote-- "Do not go gently into that good night / rage, rage against the dying of the light."
For those of you hanging your heads in defeat, where is your resolve? They WANT you to be angry, and frightened, and hopeless. FEAR is the tyranny of Bushco, and you all know it. WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT!
We are a force of bright, motivated, passionate souls, and we will not be defeated. Every vote has not been counted, but even if they all had, does the man make a difference in our spirits? The fear-mongering, greedy, selfish, morally impervious monstrosity in the White House can kiss my big, beautiful bodacious heinie. And if for some reason they stay? Guess what, folks, my heinie's got lots of sisters and brothers, and we are galvanizing, we will be called, and WE WILL BE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH.
Let every vote be counted. Let the players shuffle, but let it be known there's a little phrase from our past known as "we the people". It's time to get familiar with it, folks, because even out of all the "people", only 60% of us voted. That's an awful lot of my people left behind, and they are searching for some new music from the players.
No matter what the results of this election, lift your chin, waggle your butt, and get moving, get talking, get singing. The revolution will not come to us, folks, we must become it. Let the others get their guns, cause baby, we've got spirit, moxie, and sheer unadulterated will.
If you are crying in your tea / kefir / 150 proof, let it out, let it flow, and let those tears become a mightly river that will sweep us together. Lift your chin, and stop feeling sorry for yourself! Pledge right now, no matter what the outcome, to do one thing this week to change the world. Sound big? You're right-- it's time to think big.
We have much work to do, regardless of which talking head lands in the oval office. If it's Bush, then we have been given the gift of urgency. If it's Kerry, then we are owed on some promises. Either way, that's OUR oval office, baby. They are merely tenants.
Become a force for change, and do not give in to the fear, the hatred, the despair that clouds the air right now. Breastfeed your babies the milk of resolve. Nurture your children with fierce compassion and undying hope. Love your neighbors with shocking conviction. Refuse to be broken!
Here's a little song to put in your mind..
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..."
That little flame lights the darkness, and just visualize if growing, growing, GROWING...
It's time to get busy, mommas."