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Mar 18, 2006 19:47

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1) What planet should la_tigra be from? Barsoom. She'd fit in perfectly.
2) Is emily20 dead sexy? Oh, you had better believe it!
3) What is absinthe_fairy_'s favorite movie? *Grins* Probably Eurotrip.
4) Does powercosmic have a dog? Hmm... Not that I know of.
5) How would gwyllgi_goblin kill ms_tique? If at all possible, it would have to be from a LONG distance away.
6) What animal does aeon_phoenix remind you of? *Smiles* Decidedly avian, for some reason.
7) What exotic animal would big_whoop like as a pet? Might like a parrot. *Amused*
8) Where would boy_sorcerer most like to visit? A rose garden, Methinks.
9) Does pretty_feather do drugs? ...I sincerely hope not..
10) If boy_sorcerer and mac_the_knife were spliced together, what would be its name? ..... That's a profoundly worrying mental image.
11) Would you wrestle blackand___blue in jello? ABSOLUTELY. Assuming She wasn't in 'delicate' condition.
12) Thoughts on _the_big_guy_? Good at His job, and definitely a lot better at leaving things alone than I.
13) Is dlet in a relationship? Yes... even now. *Grieved*
14) What would pretty_feather give powercosmic for his/her birthday? Probably liquor, at this point...
15) What would you do if aidanorourke died? Blood, violence, property damage on a mass scale.. It wouldn't be pretty.
16) If cthulhuspeaks and aeon_phoenix were siamese twins, where would they be joined? ...*Snickers* I would PAY to see that.
17) What languages does sylvani_esper speak? She's quite an accomplished linguist, to the best of my knowledge. I'd probably have an easier time narrowing down what she doesn't speak!
18) Is pretty_feather friends with _the_big_guy_? No, but I think He'd be good for her.
19) Is maiden_artemis single? *Quirks eyebrow-ridge* proverbially so.
20) How tall is _machiavelli? Well, he IS human. They're all knee-high to a jotun, at best!
21) One quality you find attractive in ms_tique? Only one? *Grins* Her creativity and flair; they are connected!
22) Is la_tigra popular? Absolutely, and with good reason!
23) One thing you can't stand about veryverysorry? ...*Quietly* That She was already spoken for.
24) Does i_am_los_rawr have a big secret? Oh, tremendous. I'd tell, but, well. I'm having too much fun denying everyone the pleasure of knowing.
25) Would you ever date chaoticerotic? Actually did, at one point; quite a charming lady.
26) Would divinebaglady be a better ninja or pirate? Mm, pirate. She'd buckle swashes better than dealing with seppuku.
27) Would _machiavelli and ironygoddess make a good couple? ... *Snickers* It would certainly be a good show! I don't know how the players would react, though.
28) Have you flirted with leela1? Once upon a time, perhaps. She's good people.
29) What song/movie would you recommend to queenofmalice? *Flatly* The Exorcist. She'd love it.
30) Would you set up boy_sorcerer and absinthe_fairy_? That... would be profoundly irresponsible. But good fun all around!
31) If secretarybird was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? *Chuckles* A suitable foe for Ibis the Invincible? The anti-intellectual birdhunting minister named Reverend Üb3rBubba!
32) Does powercosmic travel a lot? All the time. Wouldn't you, if you had a surfboard like that?
33) Does boy_sorcerer know a_klutzy_auror? I don't think so.. but that might be worth pursuing.
34) What would you do if you found out sayitthrice has a crush on you? I'd laugh a few times, and then get worried and start working on My defenses; having Carcosa in the neighborhood is known to lower property values.
35) What word best describes chaos_fairy? *Chuckles* Awesome.
36) What is pretty_feather's favorite band/artist? Hmn.. Korn? Still think it's better for food than music.
37) If hereinspirit took over the world, who would suffer? Not too many, so long as everyone was intelligent enough to cater to her pleasant whims and interests.
38) Is sylvani_esper 1337? *Laughs* Not hardly, though she is quite skilled in other areas.
39) Are deus_omnipotens and ironygoddess married? ..That would be practically a sitcom were it the case.
40) Would you make out with miss__chievous? Oh, absolutely! She's decidedly cute.
41) Is maiden_artemis a nerd? Definitely more of a jock.
42) What do you disagree with chaoticerotic about? The need for Cthultian blood rituals on the second date, naturally. Honestly, would YOU be doing that for a drinking buddy?
43) Which of your friends should kali921 go out with? What, I'm not good enough!? *Humphs* Well, she'd likely get along quite well with the Silver Surfer. He's just up her alley.
44) Did queenofmalice break up with you? In a manner of speaking.
45) Where did you first meet i_am_los_rawr? That's all part of his big secret!
46) What is mistressnaoko's favorite food? Bah Kut Teh, perhaps?
47) Are deus_omnipotens and templover going out? No. No, no, a THOUSAND times no.
48) Is darkdemonicwolf a high school student? *Chuckles* Not for a while, but she still makes a great cheerleader! ..When I ask her nicely.
49) How long have you known ms_tique? Not too long, but she certainly is fun!
50) What do you agree with ms_tique about? The need for panache in everyday life.
51) What is mistressnaoko's favorite game? *Grins* I don't know about favorite, but she certainly does love to go library-hunting!
52) Is ironygoddess your best friend? Sadly, no...
53) What would _the_big_guy_ do differently in your shoes? Probably a lot less, and possibly a better job thereby. And change shoe sizes to fit.
54) Is _cheshirecat introverted or extroverted? Introverted, but charmingly so!
55) What color should blonde_goddess dye their hair? Oh, She SO should not.
56) Which president would mercurialnature be likely to idolize? ..You know, I could see him as a Kennedy. And that's disturbing.
57) Does shinyfutureboy go to your school? ..In a very BROAD, metaphorical sense.
58) If deus_omnipotens were hanging off a cliff, what would ironygoddess do? Be amused, probably.
59) Where was kali921 born? The Indus river valley.
60) How long would _cheshirecat dating aidanorourke last? ...As long as the tummy-rubs and skritches held out.
61) Do you have a_klutzy_auror's screenname? ..That makes no sense whatsoever.
62) Does _the_big_guy_ have a crush on ali_wildgoose? Probably. She's adorable and ninjaic.
63) Would shinyfutureboy and chaos_fairy look good together? Yes. Bizarre, but good.
64) What is pretty_feather's shoe size? Tiny?
65) What mental disorder does maiden_artemis remind you of? ...No way in hell I'll say that. She'll HEAR Me.
66) What rank would alec_troven have in a giant robot army? Mascot, definitely.
67) Has blackand___blue dyed their hair? Probably not. That looks to be a decidedly natural blue.
68) What video game does miss__chievous remind you of? Kamatari Damacy. No telling!
69) _cheshirecat's eye color? Yellow, isn't it?
70) wolffather's hair color? A fiery red. I wonder why?
71) If ali_wildgoose took over the world, who would be happy? Pirates. She'd have them hunted down!
72) What is pretty_feather's favorite color? Red, I do believe. At least one of the shades thereof.
73) Does emily20 smoke? Don't think so. She's not really the type.
74) If h_hollister commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Oh, she wouldn't have followers. She'd just have a gigantic cadre of her bitches.
75) Do you have a crush on casciel? I like her and enjoy her company, yes...
76) What flavor of jello would darkdemonicwolf be? Mmm, Tyson jello. I'd say a sort of whipped cherry, utterly delicious...
77) Is thegreateye related to pretty_feather? ...No. Just...no.
78) What comic book character would ali_wildgoose be? I somehow see her as a badass Kaoru Kamiya.
79) Is big_whoop a college student? But nay, for he is a mighty pirate!
80) What animal should kali921 be combined with? An Abyssinian kitty. She's quite feline when she's feeling playful.
81) Is _the_big_guy_ athletic? More or less. His mental gymnastics, now, THAT would rock thy world.
82) Have you ever dated ali_wildgoose? Mmm, nope.
83) Does powercosmic drink? Not to the best of My knowledge.
84) Could you see shinyfutureboy and miss__chievous together? Oh, Me. The carnage... the horror...
85) What is aidanorourke allergic to? Stuff?
86) Is maiden_artemis related to you? Oh, no. More's the pity!
87) When did you last call wannabeadeeva? Some time in the Nexus, I think.
88) Where was emily20 born? Canada. I try not to tease her about it.
89) Is aidanorourke an emo? Not really.
90) If _machiavelli had a superpower, what would it be? Ye Olde Ultrasnark!
91) If deus_omnipotens and spoongoddess were spliced together, what would it be like? Frightening.
92) Do ironygoddess and poisoned_green go to the same school? ..They DON'T go to school. I think.
93) Do you think kiaransalee is hot? But of course! Not that I'd do anything about it.
94) Would _the_big_guy_ go out with blonde_goddess? Probably, but I don't know how serious He'd be.
95) How many monkeys could wolffather fight at once and win against? Mm, fourteen at least. After that, he'd stop fighting and figure out a way to use them for mischief.
96) Has sayitthrice been to your house/dorm? No, and I plan to keep it that way.
97) How would boy_sorcerer conquer the world? Raw power.
98) What would silvaniel think of spoongoddess? He'd have liked her, I believe..
99) What is casciel's biggest flaw? She's not around much.
100) Are _cheshirecat and blonde_goddess going steady? No. It would be plenty fun, though!
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