
Sep 02, 2005 08:00

The place is the well-known vast lair that all His ladies know how to find. Zhilbar sits in the exact center of a spherical meditation chamber, a feat that requires He float several bodylengths off of the ground. Beginning to come out of a healing trance, He wonders a bit worriedly how Ko is doing as emotions return...

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chaoticerotic September 13 2005, 02:30:33 UTC
*wanders in hesitantly*

Hello....did I come calling at a bad time?


zhilbar September 13 2005, 22:47:49 UTC
*Coming up, He smiles and moves close for a hug*

Not at all, sweet lady! It's a pleasure to have you here! *Quite pleased to see her again, He's been missing her delightful company*


chaoticerotic September 14 2005, 00:40:27 UTC
Making sure it wasn't an awkward moment.


chaoticerotic September 14 2005, 00:40:45 UTC
*hus you back quite enthusiastically*


zhilbar September 14 2005, 21:14:10 UTC
*Chuckles, holding her loosely, rubbing her back a bit with a big hand, and smiling down into her face* Not at all, My dear! Methinks this should do just fine! Still, while such a wonderful hug is reason and more than to see you, did you have something else in mind? If not, I'd love to have your company for awhile. It's been far too long!


chaoticerotic September 16 2005, 00:20:48 UTC
Lovely place, btw....*smiles and seeks a soft place to sit*


zhilbar September 17 2005, 15:57:55 UTC
Why thank you, My dear! *Smiles as He lets her go with one arm, the other sliding over her shoulders as He casually teleports them to a more comfortable and homey area, almost cottage-like in layout. He gets her comfortably seated on the couch, then whisks over an overstuffed chair with the arch of an eyebrow, leaning against the right arm* Might I get you something, sweet lady? An apertif of some sort, or mayhap something to nibble upon?


chaoticerotic September 23 2005, 09:24:32 UTC
that all sounds a pleasure, Zhilibar! Do you perhaps have both a sweet and a digestive apertif perhaps, some bitters?
They make an unusual combination of flavors I appreciate together. But, don't fuss about for me! Really, this is a relaxation in itself....


zhilbar September 23 2005, 20:45:25 UTC
I'm sure that something can be cobbled together, My dear... *Heads to the kitchen for a moment and assembles a quick platter, featuring a trio of different digestive aids, a small plate each of strawberry bonbons, chocolate-coated tiramisu truffles, butterscotch disks, and simple sugar cubes, with a pint of bitters in a hefty stein to the side. Bringing it all in, He set the platter down in front of the lady demoness and seated Himself on the couch beside her, roughly a foot and a half away, then turned and smiled* But I so like to make sure enjoyable company has a pleasant time; it brings forth the option that they may well wish to return! Methinks this is a good idea on its own.

So how have you been since I saw you last, My dear? *Smiles warmly* ((Is she called Paradox, or Para, or something else...?))


chaoticerotic October 26 2005, 00:03:32 UTC
*eyes light up and she practically makes a dive for tiramisu truffles, grinning broadly*

I've been well...busy, but quite decent, i must say. Mmmm, this is delicious! You are a being of many talents...:-D

((Mara Paradox, at your service!))


zhilbar October 26 2005, 00:25:19 UTC
*Laughs delightedly at her eagerness, grinning broadly*

Your servant, Milady. It's a pleasure to succour a "Damsel in Foodless Distress," the more so when it's a female with your exuberant charms!

So the 'tempting mortals' game continues apace, yes? Fun sometimes, boring at others, a bit of a grind overall?

((Nice name! Also, as I don't believe I have commented on this yet, *Obligatory Love the Breast-Icon!!!* *Grins*))


zhilbar October 22 2005, 05:06:08 UTC
((Hmm. Up for continuing their little encounter? I hate to leave a storyline stranded.))


chaoticerotic October 26 2005, 00:00:48 UTC
((I seem to be stuck on stall!! Me braaaaain....))


zhilbar October 26 2005, 00:17:43 UTC
((Wooooe... I haven't seen much of you around in RP, though your RL things have been really interesting to read about! I really did enjoy their interaction, and looked forward to more; did you wish to scrap this storyline, or their whole developing relationship? I really hope it's not the latter; they are so much fun together.))


zhilbar October 26 2005, 00:26:06 UTC
((Umm... Disregard last comment?



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