
Sep 02, 2005 08:00

The place is the well-known vast lair that all His ladies know how to find. Zhilbar sits in the exact center of a spherical meditation chamber, a feat that requires He float several bodylengths off of the ground. Beginning to come out of a healing trance, He wonders a bit worriedly how Ko is doing as emotions return...

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koketsu_kitsune September 8 2005, 22:08:26 UTC
Ko had found her way to the lair still fuming about just now learning about Maric and Drelac. Part of her wanted to really hurt him, but she figured she'd let him explain why he hadn't told her first.

She came to the chamber he was in and paused, biting her lip. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to launch into him as she had originally planned.



zhilbar September 8 2005, 22:10:57 UTC
Settling down to the floor, He rose and smiled broadly, rushing to her and hugging her tight. "KO! My sweet lady, it is so very good to see you!"


koketsu_kitsune September 8 2005, 22:13:17 UTC
Her eyes show worry, sorrow and anger as she accepts his hug. Pulling back she looks down, shifting on her feet, not sure what to say, if anything. It's clear that she's upset about something though.


zhilbar September 8 2005, 22:16:42 UTC
Instantly looking concerned again, He lets her out a little, though still with arms wrapped around her. She seemed to have something she needed to get off of her chest. "What can I help you with, darling? If nothing else will do, I do offer a sympathetic ear..."


koketsu_kitsune September 8 2005, 22:20:49 UTC
"Why... why ye nay tell thee Dominic had Lords Maric and Drelac? Lord Dee said he told ye to tell thee about it while back..." Tears well in her eyes.


zhilbar September 8 2005, 22:26:46 UTC
Brow furrowing, He searches through His mind and seeks the information she spoke of... Finding it, He sighs. "You were utterly exhausted, My dear. Rest was very much needed in your condition, and you know full well that you would have taken off posthaste to get them, before you would be in shape to do any good. After that, things just plain got so very hectic that it kept on being buried by events... but didn't you see the Post-It in your kitchen a few days later?" He looked quite surprised that hadn't worked out.


koketsu_kitsune September 8 2005, 22:29:19 UTC
Shakes her head. "nay..."


zhilbar September 8 2005, 22:44:21 UTC
He searches again, seeking the Post-It through the universes. "Ah, I see! ...

"It ended up going to an alternate Ko, and she tried and died in her universe, it seems. She hadn't gone in prepared. ... I DON'T want that to happen to you. Would you like company?" He looks exceedingly concerned and worried now.


koketsu_kitsune September 9 2005, 12:43:23 UTC
Ko bit her lip. "Nay wanted anyone else hurt..." Tears filled her eyes. She sank to her knees as they buckled from his news.


zhilbar September 13 2005, 22:40:53 UTC
Coming down with her, He held her tight, softly rubbing her back. "Ko, Ko..."


koketsu_kitsune September 13 2005, 23:51:16 UTC
She leaned against him hiding her face in his chest. "Nay wanted anyone hurt...."


zhilbar September 14 2005, 21:10:31 UTC
"I know, I know... Such things should not happen..." He enfolded her into Him and bowed His head over her, eyes unseen yet filled with pain*


koketsu_kitsune September 15 2005, 14:35:52 UTC
Ko cried for a bit, not sure what else to do.


zhilbar September 15 2005, 22:07:42 UTC
Zhilbar comforted her gently, consoling her as best He could, and kissed her gently, soothingly, upon the lips.


koketsu_kitsune September 15 2005, 22:14:08 UTC
"I... I am sorry... I should go. Need... Need to get things together..." She pulled back, not to be mean, but she knew if she stayed there she wouldn't be able to replace her armor, or get better weapons to use to face Dominic.


zhilbar September 15 2005, 23:47:00 UTC
He looks very sad to see her go; He missed her company terribly, but wasn't about to run her life. He was her Significant Other, not her owner, and He wasn't about to change that. Letting her go, He stayed on the floor, looking into her eyes. "I understand... but please, do come back when you can. Your company is one of the shining lights in My life these days."


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