(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 02:47

Battered, several scales missing, a glow of righteous wrath emanating from His eyes, He stepped back into the extended Nexus-space and sent a powerful mental broadcast out to all who interacted, all who cared for Him

~I have something I need to take care of in My corner of the Multiverse, and I likely won't be visiting the Nexus much if at all in the near future. I love you all, especially My darling ladies who consented to make Me an important part of their lives... Though I may not be here, My love surely remains. Please, I pray you... Take care of yourselves, and each other.~

((OOC: For those who haven't seen yet, I'm going to be making a dramatic life-change RL, and this is going to seriously cut down on my Internet time, possibly cutting it out entirely. Have fun, all!))
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