A pleasant family dinner.

Jul 16, 2005 17:08

:On a preposterously tall mountain, a mighty white marble ledge juts out a third of the way up. Delicate stone lattices fence off the edges, covered in blooming ivy creepers; only the furthest point of the ledge remains unenclosed, providing a chance to land. The marbled crag overlooks a bustling island-chain city at early evening, with gigantic wooden ships constantly sailing out of and into harbor and bustling throngs of many races and worlds crowding the streets. A little further in on the ledge, a large table sat, with a plate holding expertly barbecued thin-sliced pork loin, a tureen of Béarnaise sauce, a tray of freshly home-baked Parker House rolls, and a great big bowl of fluffy garlicky mashed potatoes! To the side, there was a steaming platter of soft, chewy cookies of two sorts... on the one side of the platter, there were simply delicious chocolate chip cookies, made by an old recipe He gained through one of His multitudinous other-form avatars; on the other, a new little experiment worked out just for tonight, chocolate-dipped pearl cookies. Who knows how they'd taste...:

*Surveying His handiwork, He smiled and gave His daughter and Her mother little mental pokes, inviting them to come on over for dinner...*

galenna ora dinner

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