A Man's Home Is His Castle (1/1)

Jul 11, 2007 16:30

Eureka season two premiere! Utterly amazing. This actually was written the day before yesterday, back when the Eurekaverse was still oh-so-deliciously slashy. Well. I suppose it still is.

Title: A Man's Home Is His Castle
Fandom: Eureka
Pairing: Jack/Nathan, established
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slight language, slash
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Summary: A man's home is his castle. This causes problems when there are two men.

Nathan Stark was such a control freak. He was the biggest control freak Jack had ever met. No wonder he daydreamed about world domination. He was obsessive and ADD and anal and really pissing Jack off.

"Get the hell out of my underwear drawer!" he half-shouted at Nathan, who rolled his eyes patiently to the ceiling.

"S.A.R.A.H., please tell Sheriff Carter that his underwear drawer is the messiest goddamn thing I have ever set eyes on and he should be lucky I'm doing this job for him."

"Sheriff Carter, Doctor Stark says--"

"Yeah, I heard him, S.A.R.A.H. And you can tell Doctor Stark that I think his control kink has gotten way out of hand."

"Doctor Stark, Sheriff Carter says--"

"I heard him, S.A.R.A.H., thank you." Nathan calmly continued sorting and folding Jack's underwear, occasionally pausing at a particularly interesting pair of boxers to arch a superior eyebrow in Jack's direction. Jack snuck a look and shuddered--it was all, all folded and neat and absolutely revolting and it sickened him to the core. "What do you call this?" he demanded of the other man, indicating the drawer with a broad gesture of his hand.

Nathan looked up at him with that little superior half-smirk he always wore when explaining things he thought obvious to Jack. "I call it organized, Sheriff Carter."

"Well, you know what I call it, Doctor Stark? I call it--" Nauseated, Jack broke off to look at the exceptionally tidy drawer. "An abomination," he finished decisively, glaring at Nathan as he grabbed a pair of boxers out of one of the neat stacks. "This is an abomination. A man's home is his castle, his underwear drawer is his--his final keep, and--damn it, Nathan, you have gone way too far this time!"

"Well, it was either organize it, Jack, or dump it all out on the floor."

Jack glared at him, dropping the pair of boxers back into the drawer as if they burned his fingers. "You gonna start on the socks?" he asked in a low, dangerous voice, stepping closer to Nathan.

Nathan looked calmly back, taking a step closer as well, so that their noses were barely an inch apart. "Yeah."

They stared each other down, neither blinking as their gazes narrowed and sharpened on each other. Finally, shaking his head in disgust, Jack backed away, retrieving his beer from the bedside table. He held up his hands in defeat, still shaking his head. "This cohabitation thing is so not fun," he said darkly as he left the room.

"I love you, Jack," Nathan called with a grin as he pulled out the sock drawer.

"Yeah, whatever, you too. But try to 'organize' the medicine cabinet and you are so moving out, Mister."

With Jack's temper in the fragile state it was in, Nathan decided not to tell him he'd done it yesterday.

pairing: jack carter/nathan stark, fandom: eureka, rating: pg

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