Молодежный и спортивный Санта

Dec 18, 2009 12:34

Замечательная заметка о Санта Клаусе будущего во вчерашнем BMJ. Теперь Санта не будет пропагандировать табак, алкоголь и обжорство. Рекомендуется к прочтению целиком, но вот самые огненные выдержки:

"...Maybe we should encourage Santa (and his helpers) to share the carrots and celery sticks commonly left for Rudolf. Santa might also be encouraged to adopt a more active method to deliver toys - swapping his reindeer for a bike or simply walking or jogging...

...Injuries are the leading cause of death in childhood. Santa’s public health image in relation to injury prevention has been questioned. The tradition of leaving Santa a cup of brandy led one mother to worry "that my kids are going to think I am encouraging drink driving." With a few billion houses to visit, Santa would quickly be over the limit. Reassuringly however, another blogger responded to the concerned mother, arguing that "technically it is not Santa driving as Rudolph and the Reindeers are trained to pull Santa."

Other dangerous activities that Santa could be accused of promoting include speeding, disregard for road rules, and extreme sports such as roof surfing and chimney jumping. Despite the risks of high speed air travel Santa is never depicted wearing a seatbelt or a helmet...

...Surveillance programmes do not routinely collect data on Santa exposure but, temporally at least, Santa is potentially a point source for infectious diseases outbreaks. The grey literature documents clear basic hygiene issues arising from interactions with Santa. One survey found that "Santa is sneezed or coughed on up to 10 times a day." The potential for Santa in his asymptomatic phase to propagate an infectious disease is clear. Unsuspecting little Johnny gets to sit on Santa’s lap, but as well as his present he gets H1N1 influenza."


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