I cot bored.

Dec 29, 2006 00:42

Basic Survey [ 87 questions]** basics **Name::If you don't know it you won't Nickname::Jae Location::same as my name Gender::Fem-Fatal Birthplace::dude, you're not gonna know Birthstone::garnet Birthday::1/11 Sign::capricorn Righty or Lefty::righty Screenname::...nice try ** your looks **Height::5'5.5" enough 5's for ya? Weight::meh, below american average. Shoe size::I've got big feet, get over it Hair Color::Black and Light brown Hair Length::medium Eye Color::black or light brown, depends on my mood Size::wtf? Glasses::nein Braces::nein Piercings::4, going on 5 Tattoos::nein ** fashion **Where do you shop::....at a store that has clothes that don't suck, screw name brands What do you usually wear::whatever the hell I want What kind of shoes do you wear::sneakers/boots/converse Do you wear a watch::yeah if I could find it Color you never wear::pink....I hate pink Color you wear at least once a week::grey...ask anyone or black Something you wear everyday::grey and black Do you wear make up everyday::WTF?! no!!! wtf does that? Make up essential::NO! Most cherished piece of clothing::all of it? I don't feel like being naked asswipe! You wouldn't be caught dead wearing::a dress! Do you wear belts::no -_- Do you wear hats::YES!!! How many pairs of shoes do you have::enough? wtf is this? a freakin' convention?! ** music **Favorite kind of music::all aside from hard rap and country, and blue grass Least Favorite::look at my favs ass wipe How many CD's do you have::-_- drop dead Last CD you bought::don't remember Whats in your CD player right now::ipods are great Do you download music::like I said IPODS and ITUNES they go hand in hand ** Favorites **Color::black/grey/green Number::7 Season::winter Ice cream::hate all of it Website::...don't really have one. Quote::"Can't be anal retentive if you don't have an anus" Store::-_- didn't we go through this? Band::linkin park Singer::alternative singers rock, no go somewhere. Rapper::eminem Group::....don't have one Song::adrenaline Movie::any movie that someone ends up bleeding Actor::Christian Bale/Hugh Jackman Actress::Lucy Liu / Queen Latifa Kind of movies::action, comedy, sci-fi, anything but romance and westerns Place to be::in the dark Time of day::midnight Clothing Brand::DON'T HAVE ONE YOU ASSHOLE! Animal::Wolf Food::Pineapples and meat Holiday::New Years Shape::Circle Restaraunt::...don't eat out often enough to know Fast food place::THAT SHIT'S POISON! Boy's name::Jake Girl's name::I don't know. Word::pain Month::January Candy::twizzlers ** love and relationships **Sexual Preference::men, not boys, men if ya know what I mean Boyfriend or Girlfriend::wha? Crush::none Do you believe in love at first sight::no What do you look for in a guy/girl::personality, morals, good habits Best physical feature::back Best hair color::black, or dirty blond/brown Best eye color::blue, grey, black, light brown ** randoms **Do you paint your nails::no -_- What color is your tooth brush::green What's on your desktop::adrenaline Do you like roller coasters::yes Do you do drugs::no Are you a virgin::yeah, why? got a problem with it? Do you have any pets::yeah, dog and fish. What time do you go to sleep::when the sun's up, and no I'm not a goth, I just sleep during the day asswipe. Take this survey | Find more surveys
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