Mar 21, 2022 08:15
I slept from 1 to 6 on Saturday night, then got up and ate breakfast and read LJ and DW and checked on Zelensky. I went back to bed from 10 to 2. When I got up at 2, Jack was in bed with me. Jack cannot jump into the bed and that's a good thing because I don't want him jumping down from the bed. My dog is now tool using. He can't jump up on the bed anymore. So last night he pulls all of Kevin's pillows off the bed, stacks them next to the bed, and uses them to climb up onto the bed. Then steals the other dog's food which I keep on the bed specifically so he can't do that. Then starts licking my face until I am awake. I lay there and pet Jack for a few minutes before getting up again.
I went to the gym as soon as I got up, and did some weight lifting activities. Then I came home and read my books. At one point I lost internet, and for some reason the modem just randomly turned itself off until I unplugged and replugged it. It was literally working fine 2 seconds before. Who knows?
Anyway, other than reading and a little bit of writing on a prompt I didn't like and didn't do much with, I didn't accomplish much yesterday. I was going to cook except then I kept thinking how much I wanted chicken tikka masala. Well, I don't usually want a food. Usually I just eat because I have to eat. So the fact that I actually wanted a specific thing, I decided to buy it for myself. My first order got canceled, so I had to order again and it took like an hour and a half from the start of the first order to get anything. And then once I got it the "medium" had absolutely no spice to it at all and was very disappointing. Alas. And now I still want chicken tikka masala.
Other than showering, I didn't manage much else before I absolutely collapsed into bed at 8pm.