Но куда бежать Путину в случае Оранжевой революции, если на Западе он по материалам доклада Салье и как виновник 2-й чеченской войны будет объявлен persona non grata?
Резиденции, дворец в Прасковеевке - всё на виду.
Но есть еще никому не известный бункер аж на 400 тыщ человек, заперщись в котором можно просидеть сколь угодно долго. О том, что такой бункер существует, поведал миру бывш. 1-й секр. Башкирского обкома КПСС ( по нынешнему - губернатор) Мидхат Шакиров. Строительство бункера проходило в глубоком секрете, началось еще в советское время, в прессе не освещалось. Писали лишь о строительстве подъездной дороги ("Всосоюзная ударная комсомольская стройка ж.дорога Белорецк-Чишмы").
Но шила в мешке не утаишь!
Вот цитата из доклада бюджетного комитета Конгресса США 105-го созыва, 1997-98 (перевод не даю, оставляю работу для господина Яндекса):
Sense of Congress on need for Russian openness on the Yamantau Mountain Project (sec. 1227)
The House bill contained a provision (sec. 1209) that would express the sense of Congress for the need for more openness on the part of the Russian government on the purpose of a massive underground facility at Yamantau Mountain.
The Senate amendment did not contain a similar provision.
The Senate recedes with a clarifying amendment.
The United States and Russia have been working to establish a new strategic relationship based on cooperation and openness, which has resulted in the conclusion of several far-reaching arms control agreements designed to further reduce bilateral threats and to limit the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Despite good faith efforts on both sides to comply with the letter and spirit of these agreements, the conferees are concerned about reports that a massive underground facility is currently under construction at Yamantau Mountain. In seeking answers to questions about the purpose of the project at Yamantau Mountain, it appears that the Russian Federation has deliberately misled the United States about the purpose of this facility on a number of occasions. The facility appears to be designed to survive a nuclear war and appears to exceed reasonable defense requirements.
The Russian Federation has offered numerous stories about the construction activities at Yamantau Mountain and the city of Mezhgorye and the purpose of such activities. In 1991 and 1992, the commandant of Beloretsk-15 and Beloretsk-16, People's Deputy Leonid A. Tskirkunov told two stories about these activities. First, he said they were building a mining and ore-processing complex. Later, he changed that explanation to one of constructing an underground food and clothing warehouse. In 1992, a former communist official in the region, M.Z. Shakiorov, alleged that the Russian Federation was building a shelter for its national leadership, in case of war.
In 1996, sources from the Russian newspaper Segodnya claimed that the facility was associated with a nuclear retaliatory command and control system for strategic missiles known as `Dead Hand.' This claim was denied by General Igor Sergeyev, the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Rocket Forces. In that same year, a Deputy of the State Assembly, R. Zhukov, claimed the facility at Yamantau Mountain belonged to the `atomic scientists.'
The United States has learned that Russia's 1997 budget lists the Yamantau Mountain project as a Ministry of Defense installation on a closed territory. However, First Deputy of Defense Andre Kokoshin denied Ministry of Defense involvement with the activity.
The conferees are concerned that the Russian Federation should be more forthcoming in providing the United States with more information on the Yamantau Mountain Project. The sense of Congress expressed the need for the Federation to provide the United States with a detailed explanation of the purpose of the Yamantau Mountain Project, and that the Russian Government allow the United States Delegations to visit the facility, and facilities in the southern and northern settlements located near Yamantau.