(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 21:46

Just a note to remind people who may not otherwise notice that this *isn't* where I post any more.

If you're RSS-aware, go to http://zhasper.com and add my feed to your favorite aggregator.

If you're not, but you've an LJ account, visit zhaspersblog and add the syndicated feed to your list. If you're really obsessed, you might also want to add the comment feed, zb_comments, as well.

On a related note: I don't find this situation particularly satisfactory, chiefly because anyone who has this feed in their friends list sees a "Comment on this" link which is totally useless: I don't get notified about comments that people make, and the comments don't end up in my blog. Further, LJ only stores a limited number of items (at present, it looks like the last 5); anything older than that vanishes. It's very hard for me to find out if anyone has commented, and even if you do comment, your comments disappear when that post vanishes.

How to fix this? A good start would be if LJ would allow people to "claim" a feed, probably using a mechanism similar to what Technorati uses. If I could do this, the next step would be for me to have myself notified of comments on the feed.

A different way to approach this: LJ implements the Blogger API. It would be good to have a drupal module which allowed me to tick a box and have a post cross-posted to LJ as well as my own site. This would at least mean that I'd be notified if people commented on my LJ; also, the comments would persist, as the posts in my own LJ wouldn't be subject to vanishing.

Even better: LJ lets you export comments as well. It'd be really nice if I could have another (or even the same) Drupal module check that comments feed regularly; if any comments have been made, add them to the comments on zhasper.com.

What would be really superb is if both comment systems would be integrated. I don't know how to do this precisely; pulling comments from LJ to zhasper.com would be half the battle, but how to get the zhasper.com comments onto LJ? Allowing the user to customise the location (as opposed to just the text) of the "comment on this" link for any LJ would be a start; having Drupal be an OpenID consumer (so that users who clicked the link from LJ and ended up on zhasper.com could post a comment using only their LJ auth credentials, but in a way that means I never get to snaffle their details in the process) would complete the picture.

Ho hum. Enough rambling. I have to get up at 6 to work *sigh*. I'm hoping that the work will be over quickly enough to allow me to hit the gym prior to my full day of training tomorrow though..

Just in case you missed it, let me reiterate the most important part of this post:

Visit zhaspersblog and add the syndicated feed to your list. If you're really obsessed, you might also want to add the comment feed, zb_comments, as well.

Also, if you're interested in developing any of the above functionality (particular the crosspost-via-blogger-api, that's low-hanging fruit; the drupal-openid-consumer is probably the next easiest, but LJ code is open and the maintainers to welcome outside input, so working on that isn't totally impossible either), I'd love to hear from you :)
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