My weekend

May 08, 2005 22:44


The rough plan was:

* Friday morning: go to work
* Friday afternoon: head from work to gym
* Friday evening: head from gym to housewarming
* Saturday morning: crash at housewarming place
* Saturday morning, later: groggily arise, head towards the city, get dvd drive installed in laptop.
* Saturday afternoon: meet with other friends
* saturday night: attend birthday party
* Sunday morning: arrive home.

You can imagine that, going to work Friday morning, I had quite a bag. Work clothes, gym clothes, after-gym/party clothes, next-morning clothes, saturday night party clothes, spare set just in case... Laptop, laptop accessories.. quite a load.

Friday, 5pm, I check the website for the party - and discover that it's on Wednesday June 8. Weird, thought I. I was sure they said today in their initial SMS. Oh well, how stupid of me to get dates wrong.

So I decided that it was too hard to go to the gym with the MegaBag(TM), so I headed home with it, intending to drop it off and take a smaller bag to the gym.

However, I got home, dumped the bag, and decided to be lazy instead.

I'll order a pizza, think I. I'll have it delivered, think I. slightly wicked, but I'm entitled to treat myself once in a while.

This resolution lasted me long enough to see me wearing a dressing gown, some boxers, and not much else, while the rest of my clothes were in the washing machine. I then called dominos and ordered my pizza. However, I found it was going to cost $22 to have it delivered, and balked. "How much for pickup?" "$9.50" "Okay, I'll pick up then".

"Sure", says the nice girl on the phone, "That'll be ready in 5 minutes"

"Umm.. I'm not sure I can walk there that fast..."

"*giggle*Oh, sorry *tee-hee* I meant 15 minutes *giggle*"

So. I lazed around a bit more, eventually dug up some shorts, got dressed, wandered up to the dominos. I was, admittedly, a tad late - it was around 20 minutes from my call by the time I got there.

Those of you who frequent Dominos will be familiar with their system: there's a screen facing the waiting customers with the name you supplied on the phone, showing how long till your pizza is ready - saves pestering staff with "how long till my double-bacon-cheeseburger, roast onion supreme, and pepperoni are ready?". Well, my name wasn't on the screen.

So I says to them, Mabel, I says:

"Umm.. I ordered a godfather and a coke, but my name isn't on the screen..."

James, the nice boy from Dominos who's served me faithfully every time I've been there over the last 18 months, looked upset, and started tapping away at his computer terminal.

"Oh yes", he says "It does say pickup, doesn't it. Sorry - we just gave it to the driver. Don't worry, you live just around the corner, he'll be back in no time".

I proceed to sit down and wait for my pizza to come back from my place, there not being much choice. After 5 minutes or so it arrives..

Driver: "I took it there. I rang the bell. I called their phone. I yelled. But I just couldn't get anyone, they don't seem to be home"
James: "Umm. yes. Here, just give it to me. Don't worry about it".

James hands me the pizza, I pay for it, and walk home.

It didn't occur to me till a bit later that at some point there was a driver on my doorstep, with my order. with instructions to accept $9.50 in payment for it. If only I'd been 3 minutes slower to leave...

I sat down, ate pizza, watched tv. Around 10pm, I decided it was time for an early night. I got up, moved to bedroom, took off dressing gown.. phone rang.

"Hi! James! Where are you? Why aren't you here?"

"umm.. where?"

"The housewarming!"

That's right. the housewarming was actually on... some weird gremlins had twiddled what I saw on the web. I ended up not going - I was quite ready for bed to start with.

Saturday we can largely skip; I got my DVD drive after minor shennanigans, spent the afternoon with Dom as planned. Traded some wonderful insults with the wonderful Joey.. Went out for dinner with davie_84_, then home for another early night.

You see, one of the things I did at Dom's place was to install OS X Tiger. I then proceeded to test the synchonization with my phone. It works fine - but there's a slightly nasty default setting, as reported in an earlier post. This resulted in me not having any contact details for anyone at the party, nor details on when or where it was to be at. So. didn't make that one either. That's two missed parties in one weekend.

However, I did manage to get to Yum Cha this morning - I'd not bothered organising anything as I didn't think I'd be able to attend, but some other friends had organised it. I turned up mostly because I had to pay various people for various things...

Afterwards, went to dilingerlives' place to play balderdash. The balderdashiest moment came when, in a moment of exultation, I threw my phone in the air, but failed to catch it. At the time, I was sitting next to an open door onto a first-floor balcony - but a fairly high first floor, about 5-6 metres above the footpath below.

Predicably, my phone bounced: once on the carpet out the door. Twice on the tiles across the balcony (according to the other people present, this was accompanied by amusing attempts by me to catch the phone, and amusing squeals of horror. I remember none of this, I just remember a sense of numb horror...)

After the second bounce on the tiles, the phone jumped neatly between the posts in the railing, and straight down to the path below. I was immediately at the railing looking down, and saw my poor phone in pieces. I *do* remember the wailing I let out at this point, followed immediately by demands of my host that we go down to inspect the damage *immediately*.

This we proceeded to do, once everyone in the room had taken 2-3 minutes to get over spasms of laughing that seemed to have overtaken them for some inexplicable reason. Cameras were procured, to immortalise the remains.

Eventually, we got downstairs. I collected all the pieces, put them back together... wonder of wonders, it turns out that only pieces of my phone designed to come apart had come apart: the front cover, back cover, battery, keypad, and RS-MMC card had all gone their seperate ways (somehow, the back cover didn't even travel with the phone - it stayed in my hand the entire time!). However, after plugging all these bits back together - my phone works fine!

So that, in a nutshell or six. has been my weekend.

How was yours?

(BTW: I didn't actually have cheese on toast today, but if I did, it would have been a nice King Island blue Brie I have in the fridge.)
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