Apr 22, 2005 01:18
I opt out.
Of it all.
Except that part of me is screaming about how bad that grammar is.
At least it's not nearly so badderer as what I originally wroted.
Your irony for today: the following two quotes come from the same person:
Original question (in the middle of a rant about "I hate the scene, why can I just be me")
where does being "gay" stop and where does being an individual kick in?
A responder says: "Perhaps the issue is not so much a gay scene per se, but the gay scene as it stands.", to which our original questioner responds:
i suppose i was refering to the things we as gay people like to do.
So. My humble suggestion is that a good start would be to look at those two statements and consider them together - they may tell you something about yourself...